Back to the ship

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Ahsoka dies and then comes back, but not without consequences.


For a moment, Anakin thought he had really lost her.

Ahsoka laid still- her veins remaining black- and her eyes unseeing.

He dropped his head, shame and guilt radiating off him in waves. He tried to save her- the Daughter gave up her life- and Ahsoka wasn't waking up.

And then, as soon as Anakin thought her lifeforce had floated away, Ahsoka jerked with a cough, and then another. His heart jumped to his throat as he grabbed the girl who he considered a little sister and pulled her close to his chest.

He felt Ahsoka shudder, and her skin was cold even through his gloves. Years of military experience reminded him that people rarely came back from the dead without a range of problems. Those few minutes without oxygen pumping to her brain could have catastrophic impacts.

But there and then, Anakin was simply happy to see her eyelashes fluttering as he pulled away. He gave her a soft smile, "Hey, Snips."

It took her a moment to make eye contact. Anakin moved a hand around her back, lest she slipped back to the ground. He needed to get her somewhere warm quickly- preferably off this planet.

"What's going on?" She asked, voice raspy. Turning her head- slower than usual, Anakin noted- Ahsoka looked at Obi-Wan with a frown. Poor girl must've been disorientated beyond belief.

"Uh," Anakin stuttered, casting a worried look to his former Master. In a split second, he decided to brush off the incident until she could hold eye contact for longer than a few seconds at a time. "Not much."

He added on, "It's good to see you."

Obi-Wan knelt to pick up Ahsoka's lightsaber, and the Padawan took that as a cue to stand. Preferably, Anakin wanted to carry her until one of the medics could check her over, but coddling her right now would only lead to questions from the observant Togruta.

Instead, he helped her up- one hand supporting her elbow and the other around her waist. Ahsoka sagged into his chest slightly, but her knees didn't buckle instantly, which was a good sign. He was hesitant to let go once she was on both feet, but Obi-Wan was also keeping a stern eye on her, so it was unlikely that she would hit the ground if she did fall.

Even though her gaze remained unfocused, Ahsoka managed to nod at Obi-Wan when her weapon was returned. It was a testament to how out of it she was that she didn't question why her lightsaber wasn't already on her person.

He doubted if she paid a word of attention to the Father's message to them, but when Obi-Wan turned to leave, Ahsoka followed him wordlessly. The drop to the platform was steep, and when Obi-Wan jumped down, Ahsoka knew her limits and walked steadily down.

Obi-Wan waited at the bottom, one hand out in case Ahsoka needed the support. Anakin followed, watching closely as Ahsoka seemed to shake more with every step. His mind ran through all the possible remedies for someone who had just died, but he came up blank besides ensuring she was hydrated and warm.

He exchanged a look with the older Jedi as they walked away from the Father. Ahsoka was between them, hands wrapped tightly around her arms. Frowning, Anakin undid his belt to slip off his outer tunic- the noise startling Ahsoka into glancing in his direction.

"What are you doing?" She asked- voice shaking- whilst Anakin draped the tunic around her shoulders.

"Making sure you don't get hypothermia," he shot back with a forced smile. Obi-Wan gave him a glance as Ahsoka didn't bother responding- it was as if she didn't hear him.

They carried on walking. Once they got back to the ship, everything would be easier. Kix could hook Ahsoka up to some fluids, monitor her heart and brain activity for the next twenty-four hours, and then Anakin could put this whole experience behind him.

Although, he doubted he would ever be able to close his eyes without seeing Ahsoka raise her lightsaber to him.

"Were we running?" Ahsoka whispered minutes later. They were still a klick or so from the ship.

"No," Obi-Wan said, looking at the Padawan suspiciously, "Are you alright?"

"I feel sore- all over." Ahsoka closed her eyes and inhaled sharply, "My heart's racing, like I've just run a marathon."

Anakin pulled to a stop at the same time as Obi-Wan. The Knight took Ahsoka's shoulders and gave the slightest shake, "Snips, can you open your eyes?"

She let out a groan, not complying, "Too bright, Master."

"Look at me, Ahsoka," he ordered in his 'General Skywalker' voice- too concerned that she said it was bright even though Mortis was nearly pitch black.

At last, Ahsoka opened her eyes halfway. Obi-Wan lifted a hand, "Can you follow my finger?"

Barely- Ahsoka's eyes were rolling as she tried to trace Obi-Wan's fingertip. At this point, Anakin was supporting most of her body weight, so when his Master touched his elbow in a gesture, he immediately lowered the teenager to sit on a raised heath.

Neither said anything as Obi-Wan took Ahsoka's pulse- a frown falling on his face. Anakin knew it was fast by the way Ahsoka's Force-signature was humming despite her apparently lethargic state. He knelt beside his Apprentice and wrapped an arm around her shoulders- to both keep her warm and silently express his relief that she was alive.

"Feel tired," Ahsoka murmured, resting her head on Anakin's shoulder, "but all awake at the same time."

"Try to relax, kiddo," Anakin reassured, trying to squash his own worry. "We've got you."

"Possibly shock," Obi-Wan said to the Knight after he finished assessing the partially unconscious girl. "I have a hypo on the ship that should help, but I don't want to give her something if..."

He faded out- obviously concerned about medicating Ahsoka because she wasn't ill or injured; she had been killed by a spiritual Force-user.

"We ought to get her back anyway." Anakin looked down at his student who was asleep on his arm, but thankfully her breaths were still even. "I don't like the idea of sitting around on this planet."

"Then we'll carry her." Obi-Wan decided, standing up again. "It isn't much further."

"I hope Rex is still waiting for us," Anakin said, hooking his spare arm under Ahsoka's legs to hoist her up. It might've been his imagination, but she felt lighter than the previous times he'd had to carry her. "Bear with me, Snips. We'll get you home."

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