Lost - Part 2

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When the door to Padmé's cell opened, the person who stepped inside was not who she expected.

"Count Dooku," she said coolly, trying to not show how much the man intimidated her.

He was the one who had cut off her husband's hand, the one who had started this conflict. The reason she and Mina could no longer be friends without causing controversy.

"Senator Amidala," the Sith stepped inside, the door shutting behind him. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

She didn't respond, crossing her arms over her chest. "The Jedi Council and the Senate will not take kindly to this."

He lifted an eyebrow, "The way I see it, Padmé, you were the one breaking the law by coming here. I must say, it was a rather excellent use of your resources to manipulate Skywalker's pet into helping you cross through Mandalore."

"You will call us Senator Amidala and Commander Tano," she warned, "And my crime is minor compared to what you're doing to her," she pointed to the screen where Ahsoka was panting hard, her entire body trembling in the aftermath of another round of electroshock torture.

How much longer could she go on before it damaged her brain?

"Ah, yes," Dooku glanced at the screen and smiled- like he enjoyed seeing another being in pain. "That is the reason I intended to speak to you. You see, I am being rather gracious and preparing to negotiate your safe return to Coruscant with the Jedi Council."

Padmé narrowed her eyes, "What are you asking for in return?"

"I would like Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker," Dooku said, and Padmé's heart quenched. "Brought to me, on his knees."

"The Senate would never agree," Padmé said, knowing how much the Chancellor idolised Anakin. His victories in battle spoke for themselves- they couldn't win the war without him.

Padmé didn't know how she would survive losing him.

"But Skywalker would." Dooku grinned, "A bond between a Master and Padawan is very strong. He would do anything to save his dear Padawan."

"The Council won't play your games."

"They might need some persuasion." Dooku said, "Which is where you come in, Senator. I'd like you to convince them."



She stood up, all calmness replaced by anger. "Did you not hear me the first time?"

That was all it took.

In a moment, Dooku outstretched his hand, and Padmé was swept off her feet with an invisible grip around her neck.

Her back hit the wall, and the grip tightened until she gasped. Clawing desperately at her neck, she wasn't able to dislodge him.

"I'll ask again, Senator," Dooku pushed her further into the wall, her feet kicking out as he held her in place.

She never realised how scary it was to be choked with the Force. "Will you speak to the Council and convince them to accept my deal?"

"N-Never," she rasped out. "I would never- never help you, Dooku..."

Her fate be damned, she would never ask Anakin to sacrifice himself for her.

Dooku released his grip, dropping her onto the floor. Padmé breathed heavily, rubbing her neck where she was sure it would bruise.

She watched as Dooku pulled out a commlink, "The Senator is not cooperating. Administer the drug to the Padawan."

"What are you-" she tried to lunge at Dooku, but he pushed her back with the Force. Padmé hit the wall and groaned at the impact on her ribs.

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