Sandstorm - Part 1

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Ahsoka knows their ship is crashing. 


Ahsoka knows they're crashing.

The first clue is that the controls are gone. Secondly, Anakin is swearing, and thirdly, Ahsoka has to clench her eyes closed to stop her breakfast from reappearing.

"Piece of shabla junk," Anakin hisses, his entire upper body buried under the console with his toolkit rattling beside him. A few more Huttese and Basic curses slip from his lips, "Keep her steady, Snips."

"I'm trying!" She grits her teeth, fighting to keep the rusty pile of bolts from flipping upside down as they spiral closer to the surface.

"Try harder." Anakin stands up, wiping grease off his forehead as he braces against her chair, "I don't have the N-84 servodriver to fix the console. How close are we from the surface?"

"Eight thousand feet," she replies, both curious and awe-struck at her calm her Master is whilst they are cutting through the atmosphere at lightning speed. It's a miracle they haven't combusted into a ball of flames yet. "There might be an N-84 in my satchel."

"Where's that?"

"Back cabin," she jumps as turbulence rocks the ship, nearly sending them careening down on a diagonal. She manages to stabilise the ship once more, "On the top shelf in the cupboard."

He claps her shoulder, "I'll be right back."

"Don't take too long," she mutters, half-serious and half-teasing. "We've got sixty seconds max until the ground hits us!"

She hears the door to the cockpit open as Anakin heads towards the back of the ship, "We'll catch fire well before we crash."

"Brilliant," she says, focusing on her flying as Anakin searches for the servodriver. She knew this ship would bring them bad luck, but Anakin insisted on buying it because he knew the owner of the shipyard.

Ahsoka checks the scanner- one of the only things on this ship that still works. Six thousand feet, five-and-a-half thousand feet, five thousand feet...

"Found it, Master?" She shouts, turning her head away from the viewpoint for less than second.

That's all it takes.

Another pocket of air hits their ship, and the next thing Ahsoka knows, she's upside down. The scream is quite literally ripped from her lungs, and she thanks the Force for safety restraints or else she would've been-


She tugs the control around, trying to pull the ship around so it's at least on its side instead of top-down.

"Kriff, kriff, kriff," she mutters, trying her hardest to slow the rust-bucket down, but all it does it pick up speed, "Master, I need help!"

All she hears from the back cabin is a groan- he must've hit his head when the ship turned upside down- and then a bang as the ship's nose hits the surface.

They hit the ground hard, parts of the ship exploding as they plummet into the planet's surface. Ahsoka's nearly on her head, the safety belts pulled to their limits, and all she can do is close her eyes and pray to the Force that they won't be left as a pile of ashes.

The spinning stops, and the emergency alarm begins- red lights flashing. As soon as she establishes that she hasn't got any massively open wounds or any major broken bones, Ahsoka unbuckles her safety restraints and falls- with the grace of a drunk gundark- to the floor.

To her surprise, the cockpit is mostly intact. Granted, the console is smoking and sparking, but only two of the three glass panes that make up the viewpoint have shattered, leaving her to see what's outside.

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