Frayed - Part 2

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Commander Tano was waiting for Jesse on the Resolute. It wasn't uncommon for her to wait until the final larty arrived, wanting to help the wounded in any way she could. This time though, she was looking for him specifically.

Jesse sighed when she crooked a finger at him, knowing exactly what their conversation would entail. If he ignored her, he'd have Rex looking for him next, and Jesse would much rather face the Commander than the Captain.

"Commander Tano," he snapped to attention before her, saluting as well- just in case.

"At ease, Jesse," she said, her arms crossed over her chest. There was a blaster graze on her shoulder, and her montrals was speckled with dirt. Since when did she look so old? "I think you know why I called you over."

He opened his mouth to explain, only for her to lift a hand, "I make an effort to leave internal problems to the men, especially after recent events when I know my presence isn't welcome, but when it interferes with your performance on the field, then I have to get involved. Do you understand?"

His fists clenched behind his back as he stood at parade rest, and Jesse slowly exhaled. It was only a question. Ahsoka wasn't Krell.

"Yes, sir," he responded, "It won't happen again."

She looked him up and down, her expression softening, "You're tired, Jesse."

He cracked a grin, not wanting to appear out of character when her suspicions were already high, "Aren't we all, Commander?"

Ahsoka's smile was short-lived. "Go and get some sleep. I'll see to it that your shifts are taken care of."

"That's not necessary-"

"Consider it an order," Ahsoka cut him off, stepping around him to leave the hanger.

Jesse snapped his heels together as a reflex more than anything else, turning around. He caught sight of Kix in his peripheral and scowled, slamming on his helmet. Didn't he have wounded soldiers to take care of?


Jesse ignored Kix's call, widening his strides. He wanted to take a hot shower and neck some painkillers. His ribs still hurt, and his chest was burning, but the medbay was the last place he wanted to go.

"Giving me the cold shoulder, huh?"

Jesse looked around, noticing that there were still a lot of troopers in the hanger. The General would probably debrief them here. What he thought was an impossible battle was somehow won in the end, but the casualties were high.

"Real mature, Jess-"

He whirled around, coming face to face with Kix, "What?"

The medic looked startled at his outburst but quickly masked his shock with a bored look, "Your gunship crashed; you need to come to the medbay for an exam."

Jesse rolled his eyes, "No, thanks."

His bicep was grabbed before he could turn away, "Nice try, but I'm ordering you to report to medical."

Jesse saw red. He jerked his arm out of Kix's grip, his ribs screaming in protest. Panic gripped in his core, memories flying past of being in front of that stone wall. Cuffs biting into his wrists, Fives' anxious breathing by his side. Asking himself if this was really the way he would die, the dread-

He squared up to Kix, his right hand curling into a fist. He had to show that he had some control, show he wasn't afraid. Krell fed off their fear, he wanted them to feel like they didn't have any control.

"Stand down," Rex cut in between them, pushing them apart. Jesse let the Captain move him backwards, though he didn't stop glaring at Kix through his visor. Rex looked between them, "I expect better from you two."

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