Soaked in pain

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Anakin always told her that it was just as important to not over exercise the Force as it was to not over exercise her body, but he wasn't exactly a great example, was he?


Being able to use the Force was pretty cool.

Ahsoka loved everything about it, from the look of pride across Anakin's face when she mastered a difficult feat, to the chuckles of the clones whenever she nearly toppled Rex's mug of caf over, only for the quick-on-his-feet Captain to save it from spilling, shooting an annoyed look her way although it was underlined with amusement.

When she was really tired after a mission, Ahsoka didn't need to get up to switch off the lights- she'd just do it from her bunk. As much as she complained about meditation, there was no way to describe the blissful peace she felt after emerging from a long session with Obi-Wan or Master Plo.

The bond she had with Anakin was precious, one of her most treasured and personal possessions. She wouldn't trade it for a galaxy, and even the thought of living without it makes her nauseous. She loves being able to communicate with her Master without words or even facial expressions. The bond was always there, a light in the darkness, warmth in the cold.

The only bad part of the Force was the side effects of using it in ways that she wasn't ready for.

Although encouraged to trust the Force, younglings were also taught that overexerting themselves was not the aim. They all knew of older Jedi whose abilities had been so overused that they became physically disabled, usually losing their sight or hearing as a side effect.

Anakin always told her that it was just as important to not over exercise the Force as it was to not over exercise her body, but he wasn't exactly a great example, was he?

Ahsoka felt like shit.

It hurt to do anything besides breathe.

She was slumped on a log with her head resting in her hand, focusing on inhaling and exhaling slowly as her body tried to process what she had just put it through. The throbbing in her head was louder than any order that Rex was shouting at his men.

Thankfully, the battle was over. That much, Ahsoka could be glad for.

She'd seen Anakin push through the pain of overexertion before. It was always frightening, the way he swayed and couldn't hold eye contact. She tried to stay with him afterwards, after the first time she found him collapsed in his quarters and on the verge of comatose.

She couldn't remember anything, too much mental strain causing her memories to be sluggish and blurred, but she was pretty sure she sat down by herself.

Coric was on her left, kneeling in the dirt. She tried to focus on the painted designs of his armour, but keeping her eyes open for any longer than a few seconds made her head spin. He was only there to keep an eye on her really, and witnessing Anakin like this too many times to count, he knew what to do.

He kept quiet, not needing to ask where the pain was or if she wanted anything for it. No amount of morphine or entonox could ease this. Once they were back on the Resolute, he could maybe give her a cool pack for her head, but it would just be a case of resting and staying hydrated until she recovered. She wouldn't even need to stay in the medbay.

A gloved hand touched her shoulder, the sensation of the rough fabric against her skin making her cringe. Jaig eyes came into view, "You alright, Commander?"

She nodded, long and slow, unable to come up with a coherent response. Words sloshed around her brain, dizzying her even more. Rex's helmet tilted as he spoke to Coric, their conversation going straight over her head.

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