For Everything

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"Up and at 'em, Snips!" Anakin hit the door panel, stepping into Ahsoka's dark private quarters. "You haven't been out of this room for over twenty-four hours."

Ahsoka groaned, pulling her blanket over her head when he walked across the room to open the blinds, letting Coruscant's bright afternoon sun shine into the dusty abode that had been her safe place since returning from Onderon.

"I'm tired, Master," she attempted, though her voice was muffled through the wool.

Anakin scoffed, "That's impossible."

She could sense that he was standing over her, and Ahsoka clung onto her pillow with the anticipation of it being pulled out from underneath her head. He had done that before.

"You fell asleep the moment we boarded the Twilight. I'm pretty sure Rex caught a holo of it."

Ahsoka groaned harder. As if things weren't bad enough, now that holo existed.

She didn't remember much of the journey back to Coruscant after boarding the Resolute. Anakin and Obi-Wan chaperoned her to the medbay, believing she wouldn't go if they didn't force her inside.

Thankfully, the check-up was brief. Kix examined and redressed her shoulder (because he said the rebel medics had about as much skill as a blind gundark when it came to first aid) and he scanned her for any other injuries.

After he cleared her, Kix put her on enforced rest with a strict order to not even think about igniting her lightsaber until she was fully healed.

By the time they got to the Temple, Ahsoka was still fighting to keep her eyes open. Between general exhaustion and the adrenaline crash, she felt like a wrung-out dishcloth.

Anakin managed to force-feed her a plate of food before nudging her into her own quarters. She had remained there ever since.

"Snips," Anakin said, more softly. "This isn't like you."

He was right about that.

Ahsoka hadn't felt like herself since Steela fell over the side of the cliff. How was she supposed to live with herself after something like that?

"Leave me alone, Master," she said, though there was no passion behind her words.

"I've left you alone long enough." Anakin sighed, "Now, come on. I want you to shower and meet me in the living room. I need to change that dressing."

Her shoulder twinged painfully as a reminder of what had happened. Kix had assured her that it should fully heal, but only if she kept up with physiotherapy and changed the dressings regularly to reduce the risk of infection.

The scar would remain, despite the timely use of bacta.

A permanent reminder of her failure.

"Ten minutes, Padawan-mine." The door closed behind Anakin, but he shouted through it. "Then I'm sending the holo to Cody!"

Kicking off her blanket, Ahsoka scrubbed her face with her hands, wincing when the movement made her shoulder twinge. She couldn't stay in bed forever, no matter how much she wanted to.

It required almost all of her energy to stand in the fresher long enough to scrub the dirt and grime from her skin. Days of fighting in Onderon's dusty and hot environment had cemented the grit onto her skin amongst layers of sweat.

Once she was finally clean, Ahsoka pulled on an old pair of loose sweatpants and a tank top, seeing no point in wearing her Jedi uniform if she was on enforced medical leave.

She left the fresher, noticing that Anakin had already stripped the bed, and opened her window to let a breeze enter the room.

Acts of service were his way of showing that he cared for her, and even though she felt like shit, it made her feel a bit better.

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