Satisfying The Hunger

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Peach and Maple had been walking along the trail for a while now. They had talked about different aspects of their lives, such as the activities they do and what they like to eat. Maple had shot quick glances at Peach's figure whenever she wasn't looking. Suddenly, Peach's stomach growled again, this time even louder. Peach clutched her stomach, clearly feeling visible pain.

Maple: What's wrong Peach?

Peach: Oh don't worry Maple, I'm fine. I'm just really hungry because I haven't eaten anything all day. How about we look for something to fill my stomach.

Peach and Maple began looking around for things Peach could eat, but they weren't finding anything. Suddenly, Peach called out to Maple in an excited scream.

Peach: Hey Maple, I think I might have found something.

Maple: Okay Peach, where is it.

Peach pointed to a bird in its nest on a nearby tree. Maple looked visibly confused, birds were living beings, why would Peach see one as food. Even if Peach could eat the bird, how would she catch it? Maple would soon find the answer to that question. Peach made a sorta tweeting sound, calling for the bird to come over. The bird responded and flew over onto her right index finger.

Peach: Hi there little birdy, would you be willing to let me eat you?

Maple: (She's asking the bird if she can eat it?)

Bird: Sorry princess, I can't do that. I have to look after my eggs.

Peach: Alright then, off you go.

Peach let the bird fly back to her nest. Peach and Maple continued to look for something to eat.

Maple: Why did you ask that bird if she wanted to be eaten? Why did you want to eat that bird in the first place?

Peach: I can explain it to you some other time. Basically, I may eat a living being whole when there is nothing else to eat. I ask them if they want to be eaten because I don't want to swallow them against their will, and I ask if they want to be digested or not.

Maple: Why don't you just eat them without asking for their consent.

Peach: Well because that would be cruel, and I could never harm another creature for my own benefits. I try to refrain from it as much as possible, anyways.

Maple: (Peach swallows living beings whole, under their consent. Maybe I could ask her... no I can't do that).

Peach: Maple, you look concerned. Is something wrong?

Maple: No, everything's okay. I'm just deep in thought.

Peach and Maple looked for living creatures that Peach could eat, but all refused to be eaten by the beautiful princess. This puzzled Maple, why would anyone not want to be eaten by such a beautiful princess like Peach.

Peach: Excuse little rabbit, would you be willing to let me eat you?

Rabbit: No way!

Peach: I won't digest you!

Rabbit: The answer is NO!

Peach: Ugh, Alright. Be on your way then. This is hopeless, Maple, no one is willing to be my snack. I guess I'll just go back to the castle and eat something there.

Maple: Okay then Peach. Although, there could be a way to solve your hunger problem.

Peach: What might that be Maple?

Before Maple could answer, they heard a small voice from below.

Young Mouse: Excuse me, Mrs. Peach.

Peach: Hi there little mouse, how may I help you?

Young Mouse: I heard you were looking for someone to eat, and I would like to satisfy your hunger.

Peach: Aw, that's so sweet. I'll happily have you as a snack.

Peach then bent down to pick up the tiny mouse with her free hand. She then lifted the mouse over her head and opened her mouth. The mouse bore witness to a glistening, organic cave, with a soft tongue sticking out to catch it. Peach then let go of the mouse, causing it to plummet into her gaping maw. The young mouse landed on her tongue with a quiet splash and laid on the quivering muscle. Peach slowly pulled her tongue back into her mouth and closed it, sealing the mouse inside. She then began to play with the mouse, using her tongue to move it all around her mouth.

Peach: Hmmm! You taste very good little mouse. Thank you for letting me eat you.

Young Mouse: Your welcome, Mrs. Peach.

Peach then titled her head back and, with a soft gulp, swallowed the little mouse. Maple stood in shock and awe as she watched a small bulge travel down Peach's neck and disappear behind her chest.

Maple: I can't believe you just swallowed that baby mouse Peach! He was so willing, didn't even fight back!

Peach: SHE will be fine, those that I eat always tell me how pleasant the trip down my esophagus is. Those that accept love being eaten by me.

Maple: You know, you didn't ask the mouse if she wanted to be digested or not?

Peach: Well I make it a law to never digest children, that would be very cruel, even if they accepted.

Maple: What do they think of your stomach?

Peach: They say it's quite cozy, many tend to fall asleep in there.

Maple: Sounds pretty nice.

Peach: I'm sure it is.

Maple: (Should I tell her? She eats living beings whole, so she probably wouldn't find it weird. I'll wait until I tell her my feelings towards her).

Peach and Maple continued their walk until the sun began to set.

Peach: Looks like it's getting late, I'd better start heading back to the castle. I don't want to make everyone nervous.

Maple: Yeah, I should probably do the same.

Peach: Alrighty then, bye Maple! Hope to see you again soon!

Maple: Me too Peach, bye!

This was great, Maple had made friends with Princess Peach, the love of her life. This was the start of something very special.

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