The Beautiful Beginning

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Warning: This chapter contains material that some may deam inappropriate. You have been warned.

Peach and Maple laid under the tree for another hour, making out in a tight embrace. Peach looked to see it was still raining, though not as hard as before.

Peach: I've always loved tasting the rain. Want to try it with me, Maple?

Maple: Sure!

Peach and Maple poked their heads into the rain. They opened their mouths and stuck their tongues out to catch the raindrops. Inch by inch, the pellets of rain dropped onto their soft tongues, popping upon impact. Maple took a slight glance at Peach's open mouth, trying to get a good look inside without her noticing. When Peach looked at Maple, she would quickly glance away, hoping she had not noticed. Peach did notice Maple looking into her mouth, but she paid no mention of it.

Peach: Now that are mouths are so wet, we can give each other far more passionate kisses.

Narrator: And made far more passionate kisses they did, OH YEAH! I said that out loud didn't I. (I'm so fired).

Eventually the rain stopped, but by then it was starting to get dark.

Peach: It would suck for you to go home in such darkness, Maple. How about you come to my castle and stay there for the night.

Maple: Sure, Peach. I'd love to do that.

Peach: I'm sure you would.

Peach and Maple walked back to the castle, with Maple hugging Peach all the way. Once they reached the castle, Peach turned towards Maple and said something very special to Maple.

Peach: Maple, if you want, you can sleep with me in my room.

Maple: In the same bed?!

Peach: Yep.

Maple: Oh yes, yes, YES! I would love that, Peach.

Peach: I'm happy to hear that, Maple.

Peach and Maple entered the castle and walked up to Peach's bedroom. Peach opened the door for Maple, who was amazed by the Princess' room. It was purple in color, with pictures of Peach on her adventures with her friends and allies. There was a makeup stand, a nightstand, and a trophy case. Peach placed her hands on Maple's shoulders and whispered in her ear.

Peach: What do you think of my room, Maple.

Maple: I love it Peach, it looks so cool.

Peach: Well, I'm glad you like my room, Maple.

Peach planted a kiss on Maple's right cheek, causing Maple to blush profusely. Peach gestured Maple towards her royal bed.

Peach: Wanna get in bed and continue our makeout session?

Maple: Do you need to ask?

Peach and Maple got into their night clothes and got into bed, where they began making out in a loving embrace. When Peach and Maple touched lips, time lost all meaning. They continued to passionately kiss each other well into the night. Eventually the two girls decided they had made out enough today, both breathing heavily.

Peach: I think it's time for us to check out.

Maple: Alright, I love you, Peach.

Peach: I love you too, Maple.

Peach and Maple kissed each other one last time, before falling fast asleep. Maple dreamt of her and Peach together, living out her deepest fantasies with the beautiful princess. She purred happily as she slept.

The next morning, Maple woke up just in time to see Peach give a great, big yawn. She took in the sight until Peach had finished her yawn.

Peach: Good morning Maple, my dearest love.

Maple: Morning my sweet Princess Peach.

Peach and Maple kissed once again. Peach got out of bed to get dressed for the day.

Peach: Maple, I was thinking of doing something, but I want it to be a surprise. So I need you to close your eyes until I get into the bathroom.

Maple: Got it!

Maple closed her eyes and looked away as Peach got her "surprise" outfit to change into.

Peach: Alright, I'm in the bathroom now. You can open your eyes.

Maple looked around to see she was in the bathroom changing. She laid back in bed, thinking of Peach's beauty.

Maple: Should I tell Peach about my kink. I'm so unsure.

Maple's thoughts were interrupted as Peach called out from the bathroom.

Peach: I finished changing. I need you to close your eyes again.

Maple once again shut her eyes tight. She tucked her head between her legs until Peach's sweet voice cracked through the air.

Peach: Alright, open up those lovely eyes.

Maple opened her eyes to see what may have been the second most beautiful thing she had ever witnessed (the most beautiful thing would come later), Princess Peach in her armored Strikers outfit.

Peach: Do you like what you see, Maple?

Peach began posing like she was doing a photo shoot, making Maple's oral sea level rise by the minute.

Maple: Holy crap, Peach. You look so hot, like really hot. You look so sexy in that outfit.

Peach: I'm once again glad you like it.

Peach saw Maple rubbing around her crotch area, like she was trying not to do something. Peach knew what it was, and a grin grew on her face.

Peach: Maple, you can please yourself in front of me.

Maple: You serious about that?

Peach: Sure am, I don't mind it one bit. It's just natural instinct kicking in, can't fight that now can we.

Maple: You've got a point, Peach.

With that, Maple put her hands in her underwear and began to please herself. She tried her best to hold in the moans, but a few managed to slip out through her lips. Maple was living her perfect life right now, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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