Maple's Secret Desire

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Maple continued to jerk off to Peach in her Strikers armor for about an hour. Eventually, she grew tired and pulled her hands out.

Peach: Had enough?

Maple: For the moment.

Peach: Alright then, I'll get changed into my normal attire.

Maple suddenly felt a push from inside her stomach.

Maple: Oh my god, I completely forgot about the bird. I guess she wants out now. I'll go outside and bring her back out.

Peach: Okay, Maple, you do that. I'll be in the bathroom changing if you need me.

Maple went outside and began to puke out the little bird. She brought the bird up into her mouth and spat her out.

Young Bird: Wow, that was amazing Ms. Maple. I had so much fun being eaten by you.

Maple: Yeah, I had a lot of fun too. I'm glad you enjoyed being eaten by me, hope we meet again.

Young Bird: As do I. Bye Maple.

Maple waved goodbye to the little bird as she flew back home. Maple had a ball of fun being the predator, but she so desperately wanted to play the role the bird had taken: The prey swallowed by the love of her life.

Maple: Maybe I should tell Peach the full truth.

Maple walked back up to Peach's bedroom. She opened the door to find the princess in her signature pink dress, applying the final touches of makeup onto her face.

Peach: Hey Maple, did the bird enjoy her stay in your belly?

Maple: Yes, she did enjoy it very much. (If Peach can talk about me eating a bird for her enjoyment this passively, then she certainly wouldn't be put off by my desires). Um... Peach... there's something I need to tell you.

Peach: Yes Maple, I know how much you love me.

Maple: Yeah, I know that, but that's not what I want to tell you.

Peach: Oh, sorry for jumping to conclusions. What is it you want to tell me?

Maple: Well Peach... I... I have a vore fetish!

Peach: Oh, so you do. Why didn't you just tell me before?

Maple: Well I wasn't sure how you would react. I was worried you would be scared off. I gained some confidence when you swallowed that little mouse whole, but I was still nervous.

Peach: Ah, you don't have to shy. I accept everyone, even if they have a fetish. You can't fight that.

Maple: You're right.

Peach: Would you like to tell me how you developed this vore fetish?

Maple: Sure, why not.

Peach sat on her bed and gestured Maple to sit next to her.

Maple: Well, it was way back in high school. I was talking about my crush on you to some of my friends at lunch, their names were Sapphire and Ruby.

Peach: I suppose their names defined their overall color scheme.

Maple: Yeah, it did. Anyways, Ruby was being her usual playful, slightly immature self when she said she wanted to show us something.

(In Flasback)

Ruby: You've got to come closer first.

Maple: Okay.

Maple and Sapphire moved towards Ruby until they were almost blocking her vision.

Maple: So what is it you want to show us, Ruby?

Ruby: THIS!

(Back To The Present)

Maple: Ruby suddenly opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, which had partially chewed food on it. Me and Sapphire shot back in surprise, to which Ruby proceeded to chew the food with her mouth wide open. It was meant to gross us out, which worked on Sapphire, but not on me. I don't know what happened that day, but I suddenly found myself being aroused by Ruby's mouth and her gross, open mouthed chewing. I stared at her mouth, periodically, for the rest of lunch. From then on, I found myself looking at the mouths of every girl I talked to, especially Ruby and Sapphire. Eventually that mouth fetish grew into a vore fetish, and it's been that way ever since.

Peach: Well Maple, things like that just happen, but they don't have to be bad. You just have to adjust to them.

Maple: Yeah, you're right. Thanks for your support, Peach. I feel a lot better now.

Peach: I'm glad I was able to cheer you up, Maple. You've probably wanted to see inside my mouth for a long time, haven't you.

Maple: Yes I have.

Peach: Well I'm happy to let you look inside my mouth.

Maple: You mean it.

Peach: You bet, want to look inside now?

Maple: Oh yes please, Peach.

Peach: Okay then, here it goes.

Peach opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out in front of Maple. Maple looked in awe at what might have been the most beautiful mouth she had ever seen.

Peach had a modestly sized, slender red tongue, which made a point when she stuck it out. The tongue was wet, but far from slimy. Peach had a set of perfectly white teeth that shined like the sun. Her jaws consisted of massive molars in the back and sharp canines in the front, which gave Peach a predatory edge in terms of beauty. The tongue led to a gaping throat that shrunk and expanded as Peach breathed, with a large, cartoonishly shaped uvula hanging from above. It was an amazing sight that Maple couldn't get enough of, but both girls knew that the show had to end.

Peach closed her mouth and straightened herself up.

Peach: So what did you think of my mouth, Maple?

Maple: It was amazing, Peach! You have the most gorgeous mouth I have ever seen!

Peach: That's great to hear, because you're definitely going to get more of my sexy mouth, Maple.

Maple: Really? Oh boy, I can't wait, Peach.

Peach: Oh my dear, sweet Maple. I've got so much in store for you.

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