Try It Yourself

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Maple spent the rest of the night dreaming of Peach. If she wasn't the loveliest princess that ever lived, Maple didn't know who it would be.

The next day, Maple went back to the same trail where she had met Peach yesterday, and sure enough, Peach was once again taking a stroll.

Maple: Hi Peach!

Peach: Hi Maple, you sure seem happy today, what's with the big, happy grin?

Maple: No special reason. I'm just in a really good mood because what reason is there to not be in a good mood.

Peach: Well's that good. You wanna come walk with me again.

Maple: Sure, anything for my new best friend!

Peach: Ah, aren't you just the sweetest.

They began walking down the dirt trail, talking joyfully about themselves. Watching from above was a young, female bird. She was keenly focused on Maple.

Maple: So what do you like to do in your freetime?

Peach: Well I like going on walks and being outside, obviously, I'm really into sports, ballroom dancing, video games (wink, wink), and gardening. I also enjoy exploring and trying new things, and I must confess that I do occasionally drink. What about you, Maple?

Maple: Well I don't do much outside of sitting on the couch watching TV all day, I enjoy going outside, learning science, and pooooor... PONG! Ping Pong, as in Table Tennis.

Peach: Well that all sounds like fun, I certainly would like to try some of those things with you, Maple.

Maple: Really! Thanks Peach, you're the best.

Peach gave off one of her signature giggles.

The little bird flew down from the branch towards the two girls.

Young Bird: Excuse me!

Peach and Maple stopped to look back. Seeing the little bird, Peach held out her free hand for the bird to land on.

Peach: Why hello there sweet little bird, how may we help you.

Young Bird: I would like to be eaten alive.

Peach: It would be my pleasure to swallow you little bird.

Young Bird: No, not by you Mrs. Peach, by her.

The little bird pointed to Maple.

Maple: Wait, you want to be eaten by ME!

Young Bird: Why yes, I've always wanted to be eaten by a girl as beautiful as you.

Maple blushed red at her compliment.

Peach: Well this is a nice change of pace, I'm always the one being asked to swallow people. Go on Maple, swallow her whole.

Maple: I don't know Peach, I've never swallowed a living being before. I'm worried I might hurt her.

Peach: Don't worry, Maple. I know it may seem hard, but swallowing a willing recipient is actually pretty easy. All you have to do it put them in your mouth and swallow them whole. As long as you don't chomp on them, you're all good. So go ahead, give it a try.

Maple: Alright Peach, if you say so.

Maple moved her hand to grab the little bird. She then proceeded to lift her above her head and then opened her mouth as wide as she could, sticking her tongue out with a great big "AAAAHHHH!". The little bird looked into the mouth below her in awe. It was a wet, slimy cave with massive teeth that could make short work of a sandwich, a massive tongue and a gaping throat with a cartoonishly shaped uvula. Maple lowered the bird onto her tongue and pulled it into her mouth. Maple then snapped her jaws shut and began playing with the bird in her mouth. Maple was thrilled, she held so much power over the little bird, she could do anything she pleased with her if she wanted. Being a giant predator was so much fun. Maple continued to use her tongue to taste and play with the little bird for a few more minutes. Maple was about to swallow the bird, until Peach stopped her.

Peach: Wait Maple, I want to say something to the bird first.

Maple complied with Peach and opened her mouth wide, with the bird sitting square on her massive tongue.

Peach: Have fun little bird, I hope my friend has fulfilled your wish.

Young Bird: She sure has, Mrs. Peach. Thanks for doing this Mrs. Maple.

Maple: Ah, don't mention it. I'm glad you're happy little birdy. Anyways, down the hatch you go.

Maple then tilted her head back and swallowed the bird with a loud "GLULP".

A large bulge then travelled down her neck before disappearing behind her chest.

Maple: Wow that was fun. I see why you like doing this Peach.

Peach: I know right, I especially love the feeling of holding them inside my stomach, it feels so intimade; like I'm protecting them. Now all you have to do is puke her out when she wants to come out.

Maple: Okay, got it. That's reminds me, did you ever let that little mouse out.

Peach: Yay, I threw her back out this morning before my walk. I wished her good luck and sent her on her way back home.

Maple: That good, you really do have a big caring heart.

Peach: Oh Maple, you do know how to flatter me.

They both had a good chuckle before walking off.

Maple never thought that eating someone would be so fun for her, but she desired something else; something on the other side of the situation. For now, she would take pleasure in the feeling of having the little bird inside her stomach. Man, did it feel good.

Author's Note: The GLULP is not a mistake, I spelled it that way to describe the sound made when Maple swallowed the bird. Just wanted to clear that up.

The SMB's Female Vore Saga: Princess Peach's Loving SnackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant