Confessing Your Love

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Peach and Maple continued to walk down the dirt trail. As they walked, Maple could feel the little bird moving around inside her stomach, clutching it slightly every time.

Maple: Wow, that really does feel good.

Peach: I know, and to think you were so worried about swallowing her.

Maple: Yeah, I can't believe what I was thinking.

Suddenly, the sky began to darken, as gray clouds began to form overhead. The clouds blocked out the sky, followed by the booming of thunder.

Peach: Looks like it's about to rain, I'm not sure we can make it back to the castle in time.

Maple: Don't be a downer, Peach. It usually takes a while for it to start raining hard, I'm sure if we run now, we can make it to the castle before...

(Rain starts to come down hard, soaking the the girls)

Maple: Nevermind.

Peach: Well don't just stand there getting drenched, get under my umbrella.

Maple moved under Peach's umbrella, getting very close to her. Maple felt a bit uneasy, she had never come this close to Peach and her romantic feelings for the princess made her very nervous.

Maple: Do you want some space Peach, because I can give you some breathing room?

Peach: It's fine Maple, I'm not bothered by you being so close, I'd prefer you'd stand where there is no rain.

Maple: You know Peach, we can sit under that tree over there. The branches will keep the rain from pouring down on us.

Peach: Okay Maple, but will have to run for it. On my count, 1, 2, 3!

Peach and Maple sprinted for the tree, getting soaked by the rain. When they finally made it under the tree and sat down, the girls were laughing so hard there lungs might have popped.

Peach: My god that was so much fun, running like hell and getting soaked.

Maple: Yeah, we should walk outside everyday, so we can get drenched and get our daily cardio in.

Peach: Oh Maple, being with you is so much fun.

Peach and Maple sat under the tree for about an hour, waiting for the rain to stop or at least lighten.

Maple was getting anxious, she really wanted to tell Peach how she really felt about her. She just wanted to say it straight to her face, but the voices in her head and the butterflies in her stomach were telling her the opposite. Maple was conflicted inside, but sitting this close to Peach with no one around, she couldn't keep it in anymore. Maple took a deep breath and digested all the butterflies in her stomach, before letting the words roll off her tongue and out her mouth.

Maple: Peach, there's something I need to tell you.

Peach: What is it Maple?

Maple: Well, first off, I've known who you are since middle school. I saw you in the halls, but never talked to you. In all that time, I've had something held inside me. Those feelings have truly started to blossom ever since we first truly met and I can't keep it in anymore. Princess Toadstool Peach, I... uh... I... I'm not sure how I should put this... I feel... when I look at you I'm... amazed... by your lo... your beauuu... mn... I...

Peach: Maple... are you trying to say that you're in love with me?


Maple couldn't believe it, she finally told Peach how she truly felt.

Peach: You've been holding that in this whole time. Oh Maple, you should've just said that to me. Don't think that I wouldn't accept you just because we're the same gender. When it comes to love, gender shouldn't matter, remember that.

Maple smiled, feeling like Peach had ripped off the chains that surrounded her. Peach then put her hand onto Maple's cheek and looked her straight in the eye.

Peach: Maple, I wouldn't consider myself a lesbian, but I will happily accept your love. Now come close, I'm sure you've wanted to do this for a long time.

Peach and Maple began to move closer, ever so slowly, before making contact with their lips. Maple couldn't believe it, after all these years, she was finally Peach's girlfriend.

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