Peach's Inside Story

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The next day, Maple brought Peach over to her home for a special kind of date. They started with a tour of the house.

Peach: Wow Maple, you have a nice living space. I love what you've done with it.

Maple: Oh thanks, Peach. Don't mention.

Peach then turned to face Maple and placed her hands on her shoulders.

Peach: Maple, you want to know why I came over.

Maple: We were going on a date, isn't that why.

Peach: Well, not exactly. I came up with a plan to help bring your fantasies to life.

Maple: Get out, are you serious.

Peach: You bet I'm serious. So here's the plan: You will eat this tiny mushroom to shrink you down to 2 inches. Once you have shrunk, I will put you in my mouth, have our fun, then swallow you whole.

Maple: Oh my gosh, that's sounds like an amazing plan. I've always wanted to be eaten by you, Peach. When can we get started?

Peach: Right now, Maple. I brought the shrinking mushroom with me. So if you want to live out your fantasy, down the blue sucker.

Maple: Alright then, gimme the mushroom, Peach.

Peach: Okay then, open wide.

Maple opened her mouth as wide as she could. Peach aimed carefully and threw the mushroom into the air, towards the open maw. The tiny mushroom fell right into Maple's mouth, bouncing off her tongue, and right down her throat. Maple immediately swallowed and the tiny mushroom shot down her esophagus. As soon as the mushroom fell into the acid of her stomach, the effects began to kick in, right away. Maple felt a little light headed.

Peach: Are you okay, Maple?

Maple: Yeah, I'm alright, just feeling a little funny.

Suddenly, Maple shrunk down rapidly. It happened so fast, it took the two girls a few minutes to take in the situation. Maple now stood at 2 inches tall and Peach towered over her like a true giantess.

Maple: HOLY CRAP! This is amazing. I thought you were beautiful at normal height, but now you are on a whole new level of beauty.

Peach: Aww, thanks Maple. You want to fulfill that fantasy of your's?

Maple: Yes please, Peach.

Peach lowered her hand for Maple to climb onto. She then raised the tiny girl up to her pretty face. Peach looked upon Maple with her ocean blue eyes. The princess's warm breath washed over Maple, which put her at ease.

Maple: I never thought that in my entire life, I would get to be eaten by the Princess Peach.

Peach: Well believe it, Maple, because I'm about to have myself a little snack.

Maple: Oh, I love you, Peach.

Peach: I love you, Maple.

Peach leaned in and made Maple think she was going to get a gigantic kiss, only for the princess to stick her tongue out and lick Maple from her toes, all the way up to her head.

Maple: Wow, thanks Peach.

Maple was wet with saliva.

Peach: You're welcome, Maple. I can always spice up the fun with a sample taste. Now, prepare to enter the gate to my body that is my amazing mouth.

Maple was picked up by the princess and raised a few inches above her face. Peach opened wide, giving Maple an incredible view of the princess's inviting mouth. It glistened with moisture and exuded warm air onto little Maple. Peach began to lower Maple into her majestic maw and onto her cozy tongue. Peach slowly closed her mouth, sealing Maple in darkness.

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