Chapter 3

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"Salutations to the Maharishi," Gandhari greeted as Sage Vyasa entered her chambers, his aura filling the room with wisdom and serenity.

"Maharishi, I was blessed with a boon of 100 children, yet all I received was a mass of flesh! Why, Maharishi? Why?" she exclaimed, her voice heavy with sorrow.

Dhritarashtra felt a pang of sadness hearing her anguish. He sighed inwardly, restraining himself from offering comfort at this moment.

"You were blessed by Mahadev himself, and his words never falter. Prepare pots filled with fresh ghee, then divide this flesh into 100 equal pieces, placing one in each pot. You must wait nearly a year, undisturbed," Sage Vyasa instructed.

Lost in thought, Gandhari hesitated briefly. Dhritarashtra, noticing her hesitation, encouraged her to speak.

"Rishi, could I... may I also have a daughter?" she finally asked.

"Of course, Putri Gandhari. Simply divide the flesh into 101 pieces," the sage replied.

Gandhari smiled gratefully, her hands joining in a gesture of respect. "Remember to cleanse the flesh with water and keep the pots in a secluded cave," Sage Vyasa added before departing.

"Are you not resting, Pitashri?" Dhritarashtra inquired.

"No, Putra Dhritarashtra. I have pressing matters to attend to," replied Sage Vyasa.

The family, excluding Satyavati who blessed him silently, sought his blessings. After his departure, Satyavati began directing her attendants with various tasks.

Few months had elapsed since Sage Vyasa's departure, and the atmosphere within the cave had grown increasingly tense. Gandhari, with her heightened senses, had been resting fitfully among the storage pots. The cool darkness of the cave was disrupted as she abruptly awoke, a feeling of unease gripping her heart.

Animal howls, thunder, and lightning filled the air, painting a scene of turmoil.

Amidst the chaos, a faint cry reached her ears. A smile graced her lips; her son was being born. Yet, why had the atmosphere turned so hostile? She instructed a maid to inform the royal family.

The entire kingdom of Aryavat felt the unsettling atmosphere. Bhishma and Vidur, witnessing the ominous signs, grew concerned.

The family soon gathered near the cave, debating the situation.

"With such bad omens, the child's birth should be sacrificed for the greater good," proposed Kul Guru Kripacharya.

"Sacrifice? Are you suggesting sacrificing a child for whom my dearest sister endured immense suffering? I knew it...I knew that you all were against Maharaj from the beginning" Shakuni retorted, his eyes filling with tears and his voice quivering.

"What is your stance, Putra Bhishma?" Satyavati asked.

"I believe denying a child's right to life is unjust," Bhishma declared.

"But what if the child brings doom upon Aryavat?" argued Kulaguru Kripacharya.

"Are you implying that my son is evil!?" Dhritarashra's voice shook as he spoke.

"Kulaguru," Shakuni simpered, "there are so many children who prove to be a disgrace born every day. But we never see such an atmosphere. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Maybe even if it is an evil omen, many children all over Aryavat must be taking birth. What if this was meant for another child?"

"The ultimate decision resides with one who is a father as well as a king," announced Bhishma, entering the cave with the family.

Gandhari approached them, holding the newborn. Dhritarashtra took the child, his eyes filled with wonder and hope. The baby cried loudly, bringing a smile to Dhritarashtra's face.

"Is this innocent child an omen of evil?" he challenged Kulaguru Kripacharya. He looked at the newborn in his arms, his eyes filled with fatherly affection.  "My son will be strong, undefeated. I name him Duryodhan."

"Arya?" Gandhari interjected.

"Duryodhan could also mean a bad/tough warrior. Let's name him Suyodhan," she suggested.

The King's eyes met hers, a subtle nod acknowledging her wisdom as a small, approving smile graced his lips.

Just then, a maid rushed in, visibly shaken. "Maharani, Jagara has also given birth to a boy," she reported.

Gandhari paused, then sighed deeply. "Bring the boy to me," she ordered.

The Daasi's eyes darted with apprehension, but wary of offending the queen, she offered a hesitant nod before retrieving the boy.

Gandhari cradled the child gently, her fingers tracing his features as she drew a deep, steadying breath.

"I accept him as our child," she declared softly, her words hanging in the air, leaving the family in stunned silence. "Arya, what should we name him?" Her unexpected question sent ripples of surprise through the gathered relatives.

"Name him Yuyutsu, Putri," Bheeshma suggested.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil depths of the forest, Pandu and Kunti sat in deep meditation, their brows furrowed in concentration as they chanted the sacred mantra bestowed upon them by Maharshi Durvasa.

A short distance away, the soft murmur of leaves accompanied Madri as she tenderly attended to their son, Yudhistir, her gentle hands ensuring his comfort amidst the wilderness.

Without warning, a fierce gust of wind swept through the forest, swirling around them with an intensity that seemed to shake the very trees. As the air cleared, the ethereal form of Vayu Dev materialized before them, his divine presence now taking on mortal semblance.

"I am pleased with your devotion, Kunti. I shall grant you a child," he declared.

With hearts full of gratitude, Pandu and Kunti lowered their heads in reverence, accepting Vayu Dev's blessing. Almost instantly, a robust infant materialized in Kunti's arms, his presence filling the air with newfound joy and wonder.

"This child will embody my strength and speed, loving and protective to his kin, yet fierce against foes. He shall be known as Bhimasen. Kalyan ho!" With these words, Vayu Dev vanished, leaving behind a sense of divine presence.

Hello Friends. So this is my new story and I have published the first three chapters...the first is still under editing. Now to go further, I would request your opinion. There are three options I considered for Vedha's birth. Please say Y for the one among the following in the inline comments that you prefer.
1. After Arjun's birth on the way coming back
2. On the way going.
3. Younger than Arjun
4. Older than Arjun
So please select one each from the above. I'll continue after at least one reply and dedicate that chapter to the person who replies. Bye-bye.

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