𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗙𝗮𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗺 || 𝟭 ||

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What time and date did you start reading? Which country are you in? I'm curious

Apollo's birth

" I'm worn to a frazzle," Rai sighs and throws himself, gently, down onto the bed.

Alessio chuckles and sits down beside his knackered mate.
He Rubs his heavy baby bump and smiles.

" I can not wait to have them in this life, I'm excited, " Alessio says as he kisses Rai's baby bump.

" I'm scared, " Rai whispers and his eyes fill up with tears.

Alessio pulls his mate to sit up, He looks into his eyes and rubs his cheeks, gently.

" Of what, baby!?" Alessio asks as he pulls his mate closer to him.

" I have no clue of how to take care of a newborn, " Rai is frightened out of his wits.

What is he going to do if he falls while carrying their baby?! What if he doesn't bond well with their baby?! What if he can't breastfeed them and milk won't come out!? What if he doesn't go through with the delivery?! What is going to happen if he and their baby die!? What is he going to do if bad people kidnap their baby because of their status!?

Rai is scared to death.
Alessio could hear his thoughts, he sighs and looks at his mate and husband in the eyes.

" None of what you think will happen, our baby will be surrounded by guards and we will surely be there to keep them safe, " Alessio is a big Teddy Bear despite his enormous form.

" It's just," his breath shuddered.

" What!? That you are the king and everyone should see you perfectly handling it!?" Alessio raises an eyebrow towards his overthinking Husband and Mate.

Rai shrugs and buries his face into Alessio's warm chest.

" who's been filling up this pretty head of yours?" Alessio asks with a soft smile.

" No one, " Rai mumbles into Alessio's chest.

" you are lying, " Alessio pulls Rai and looks him in the eye.

" It was my mother, wasn't it!?" Alessio asks and Rai reply with a shrug.

" I'm heading to her chamber then," Alessio says as he gets up.

" Stop," Rai whined stopping him in his place.
Alessio stops in his place and looks at his whimpering mate.

" She said that I can't handle it, that I'm a disgusting person who thinks of himself as a man," Alessio's mother had been always like this, she doesn't like same-sex relationships, Homophobic.

" I don't want her in my child's life, " Rai says while he's sobbing loudly. The guard in the hall can hear the pain in his cries.

" I'm expatriating her out of this castle, she does not have to be in our child's life, " Alessio declares while he rubs his mate's aching back.

Rai sniffles and looks at his mate with eyes full of regret.

Pregnancy can be a glamorous thing, it is the miracle of existence, the wonder of making a new individual, of welcoming a pure and sentient being into the heart and soul.

" I'm sorry," Rai says as he bites his lips to prevent himself from crying.

Pregnancy can also be a pain, affliction and challenge from an emotional point.
And Rai can not control his hectic emotions.

Alessio sighs and calls out " Warrior Silas, Demand my mother's presence on my working premises,"
Warrior Silas nods and walks away to summon his king's mother.

𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗙𝗮𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗺Where stories live. Discover now