Chapter Two

63 4 2

Thursday 28th October

Readers PoV

"So she just didn't answer your question?" Azalea furrows her brows, frowning.

"Pretty much. Then she got mad because I continue to ask about him." I look down at the floor and kick a rock, frustration building up in me as I continue to swing back and forth on the swing set. 

"That's weird," Adam pauses before continuing, "and the only thing she has told you about him is that he's a criminal?" 

I nod. "I feel bad asking about him because he has never been here for me, but I can't help wanting to know who my Dad is. And then today she told me to stay out of the woods unless I want to be grounded. She's never told me to stay out of the woods, so what's the problem now?" I huff.

"In her defence, there was another murder there yesterday night. I wouldn't think too deep into the 'staying out of the woods' thing. But I do agree with Adam, it is weird that she won't even tell you his name." Leo speaks up.

I halt my swinging. "It's beyond weird. Anyway, I'm done ranting about it, let's do something else." 

"I have a perfect idea. Let's participate in some underage drinking. We're not in school tomorrow, so it'll be fine. You can all crash at my place too, my dad's away for the weekend." Adam grins. I nod along with everyone else.

"Count me the fuck in." Leo agrees as he slaps the back of Adam's head, causing him to spin around and slap Leo's thigh. I shake my head as a small smile plays on my lips.

"I have some weed back at my place if you want?" I suggest.

"Definitely bring it. What time are we meeting back up, and where?" Mikey asks.

"Meet at my place, and be there by nine." Adam answers. 

"I'm going to get going then, I need to get my stuff ready, I also want to get a bath," I speak up before standing from my position on the swing.

"We're gonna hang here for a while. See you later, bitch." Azalea waves me off.

"Bye." I wave back before departing from them and back to my place.


I cringe as the black door slams shut behind me, not meaning to let it make an unnecessary amount of noise.

"Haven't been to the woods, have you?" I hear my mum ask from upstairs.

"Nope, the park," I reply before making my way upstairs after locking the door. "Also, do you mind if I stay off of school tomorrow? Y' an early birthday present." I lean against the wall. 

My mother raises her (H/c) brow, smirking slightly. "Your birthday is on Monday. I thought you would want to stay off then?" 

"No, yeah, I do. But can I have tomorrow off too?"

She ruffles my hair before walking off. "Of course, you can." 

I grin. "Thank you!" 

I lift myself up from the wall and slip into my room. I put my music on before grabbing a pair of clothes out of my wardrobe, along with a hoodie and joggers for the night. Just as I'm about to throw the items of clothing in my hands onto my bed, I pause. There's a small, black box on it. 

I place the clothes on the bed slowly, my eyes never leaving the box. I then reach over, taking the box in my grasp before moving to my desk. I untie the, also black, ribbon that is keeping me from opening the box. I put the ribbon to the side before sliding the top off of the box, pausing any movements as I see a note neatly places inside.

Daddy Issues (A Creepypasta x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum