Chapter Three

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Friday 28th October

Readers PoV

I squint as I look at my surroundings. I'm at a carnival of sorts, an abandoned one, at that. I take a step further into my nightmare as curiosity gets the best of me.

'Nothing can hurt me anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming.' I test my suspicions by poking my palm. As expected, my finger goes straight through it.

I let my arms drop to my sides as I continue my venturing into the carnival. The bright colours that had been there in the past are now dull and rundown, along with the rust-covered rides themselves. Hell, even the sky is depressed and grey.

I hear footsteps behind me, causing me to spin around. I come face to face with a beaten-up and bloodied child. They had no eyes, teeth, a bloody nose and walked toward me with a limp. From what I could actually make out, which wasn't much, I figured the child was around five, and a boy. I raise a brow and cross my arms as he continues walking to walk toward me.

"You can stop there." I snarl.

"You shouldn't be here. You'll die." He tells me. I roll my eyes.


"We'll kill you."

I pause, taken aback. I smirk. This was all so amusing.

"Go ahead, pegleg. You can't even walk properly."

Now, I know I shouldn't make fun of a child who was most likely massacred in the worst way possible, but if my life is threatened, I will hit and insult a child.

The child is about to respond before a cackle is heard from behind me. "Ughh, what now?!" I whine before turning around.

"Look, a literal fucking clown, great. I am so done with this queer party." I groan as I stare up at the monochrome clown.

I attempt to wake myself up, deciding now would be a great time to head out. My anxiety heightens when I realise that I can't.

"Why can't I wake up?" I ask him. He grins, his sharp teeth looking down at me like a threat in itself.

"I need to give you your mark! As soon as you have it you can get right back to your hangover and soon-to-be bloodstained hoodie!" The clown exclaims, his cheery voice never faltering.

I take a step back as he takes a step forward. Now, I've never been scared of clowns, and I'm not scared of this one, but what does he mean by 'mark'?

"I'm sorry, 'mark'?" I take another step backwards.

"Your father's symbol, of course! With this, he'll be able to track where you are, and not have your mother take you away from him again."

I pause as I receive this information. 'My mother took me from my father? She said he left!'

The clown takes this time to grab onto my left arm, lifting my wrist to face him. I quickly come back to my senses and try to pull myself away. It was all in vain, however. The clown was much stronger than I am. I stop struggling once I realise it's useless.

"At least tell me your name before you stab me!"

"Laughing Jack, gumdrop! Don't forget, two days~" And with that, Jack brings his long claws down, ultimately striking my wrist and snapping me out of the 'dream'.


I gasp as I wake up, an unbearable pain in my left wrist exactly where Jack has stabbed me in the dream. He was right about the 'blood-stained' part. My whole sleeve is covered with blood. I quickly look around the room to see if anyone is awake yet.

Daddy Issues (A Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now