Chapter Four

47 4 2

Friday 28th October

Readers PoV

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Immediately as I'm spotted Leo comes running over to my side and thoroughly checks my body for any sort of injury. I send him a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, he's knocked out in the basement. We should get going before he wakes up again. Sorry to cut things short." I frown. We were all looking forward to this, it's a shame that joker-reject Jeff had to fuck it all up.

"It's for the best. Hey, we can always go somewhere else! Like the spot!" Azalea suggests. I shrug, a smile playing on my lips. Always an optimist.

"I don't mind, what about the rest of you?"

"Sounds like a plan."


"Soooo, what's everyone's plans for the next couple of weeks? We break up for half term next Friday, I was thinking we should plan in advance." Helena sparks a conversation as I make myself comfortable between Leo and Adam. Leo is relatively close, may I add.

"I think I'm spending a week at my dad's, it's not confirmed yet though. Other than that, nothing." Mikey speaks, rolling his icy blue eyes. Understandable, I remember him saying how he isn't the biggest fan of his father.

He was physically abusive toward his mother and himself, he had told us. It got to the point of law involvement, however, he still managed to get visits and some custody privileges.

"Do you still not have a say in these matters? I thought once you turned a certain age you could have your own say?" I frown

He shakes his head, shrugging. "I don't know. I doubt I'll be staying there anyway, I never do."

I nod, muttering an 'oh'.

"What about your plans then, (Y/n)?" Leo nudges me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I pause for a minute.

"I, uhm, nothing, as usual. Probably get a few more piercings, but that's all I have planned." I stutter. I was going to tell them a sugarcoated truth, but decided against it last minute. "What about you, Leo?" I look up at him, gently holding his hand that's hanging limb on my shoulder.

"Well, there's this person I like, so I'm planning on asking them out." He shrugs, looking at our surroundings with a smirk on his face.

I feel a painful pang in my chest, my heart shattering into bits.

'What? Is that smirk an 'it's you' smirk, or 'lol it's funny messing with your feelings' type?'

He takes his hand out of my grip and puts his arm back to his side, convincing me that it was more a cunning smirk than a 'it's you' one.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck with that." I try not to let my voice waver, and block out any emotions I feel. Especially the rage and the desire to punch his stupid face. I scoot myself away from him slightly, claiming to 'not have enough room that close to him'.

'It's probably for the best, besides, no one even knows if I'll see these guys after I'm forced into a life of crime. I knew I shouldn't of gotten myself so attached to them.'

The conversation of each others plans continues in the background, though I'm too in thought to engage in it. The day to leave my mother creeps closer, and I don't think I'm ready for it. Nor am I ready to leave my friends, even if one of them have just broke my heart into pieces.


Several hours have passed, it's now one in the morning and we're still out. Well, on our way home, and starting to split off in our separate directions. Unfortunately, it's only Jack and me, so to say the least, things are pretty awkward. We've not spoken to each other since the whole 'I like someone, lol' incident. I planned to keep it that way. I was rightfully mad!

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