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"I always think about you and how we don't speak enough,"

Picking up the phone and making his way through the corridor Jungkook smiled. A cheerful voice boomed through the device and Jungkook could hear Jimins small giggles.

"Hey! How did it go? You picked up so I assume he didn't murder you?" Jimin teased on the other side of the line.

"It went surprisingly well," Jungkook answered as he combed his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh following.

"I'm glad to hear, how about we celebrate tonight? I saw a new sushi bar open up near campus!" Jimin exclaimed.

Jungkook only laughed as he heard the others overly enthusiastic love for Sushi.

"Are you more excited to see me or the sushi?" Jungkook chuckled in response, of course Jimin whined a bit, but in the end the couple agreed to meet in a hour at the campus quad.

Time passed quickly as the two got dressed and ready for the evening. Jungkook wore casual denim jeans with a black t-shirt covered by a orange,black and navy blue balenciaga jacket. His hair was parted in the middle and he finished off his outfit with a pair of chunky shoes.

He walked to the meeting destination and soon his eyes were drawn to the beautiful blonde boy who walked straight towards him. With a big smile on his face Jimin greeted him. The boy wore black jeans and a white T-shirt that was covered by a fluffy blue cardigan. His skin was radiating and hair made him look angelic. Jungkook was left speechless with a grin on his face as he admired the other.

"Earth to Jungkook?" The small laughed as he waved his hand in front of Jungkooks face to bring him back to reality. Snapping him out of his daydreams he quickly blinked and nodded.

"Sorry, you just look- wow,"

"You aren't so bad yourself," Jimin snickered as he quickly grabbed Jungkooks hand and intertwined their fingers. "Now let's go!"


"So you're telling me you would rather step on legos than stub you're toe?" Jungkook scoffed in disbelief as Jimin was struggling to keep the food in his mouth due to his laughter. With one swallow of his rainbow roll sushi Jimin answered Jungkook.

"Have you ever stunned your toe! Once I broke a nail after walking into my coffee table," Jimin playfully shivered lightly as he remembered the event.

"Gross," Jungkook hummed as he picked up his sushi and shoved it in his mouth. With his cheeks stuffed and mouth full he spoke, "I'm literally eating."

"You're so embarrassing," Jimin laughed as he covered his eyes with his hands.

The night went on as they rambled about random topics and joked with one another. Surprisingly they had something in often, but also a handful of things they disagreed on.

"You hate mango?!" Jungkook asked with his mouth wide open and eyebrows raised.

"It's literally the worst fruit!"

"Waiter! Check now!" Jungkook joked as Jimin playfully smacked his chest.

Jimin definitely enjoyed the sushi as the couple ended up taking home some leftovers. With one hand holding Jungkook's and the other holding his bag of left over Jimin felt content.

The walk was peaceful and silent, allowing Jimin to truly appreciate the moment. He loved the way his hand felt in Jungkook's. They contrasted Jimin's as Jungkook's were large and warm, while Jimin's were smaller and cold.

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