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"The damage is done."


It was the last week of April, the buzz around campus was all based on the upcoming festival and tents were already being set up for tomorrow. Along with booths and activities, a stage was being built in the center of the campus field. Jimin only smiled as he walked past the area on his way home from practice. 

The band spent the past few days practicing nonstop to perfect Jimin's latest song. It was safe to say he was confident in their performance after every take. 

Jimin wasn't just confident in his ability to perform as the lead vocalist, but he also gained new confidence in himself as he has received dozens of invitations to go out for drinks or house parties. He was rapidly growing on the social later and it was exhilarating. Before being nearly invisible, Jimin found himself now the center of attention in every room he stepped foot in. 

Despite having boys chasing to talk to Jimin however, the boy only accepted friendships rather romances. Which is how he ended up in his current situation as he walked into his dorm to find his roommate standing before him with his arms crossed and lips pouted.

"Well hello to you too Tae," Jimin softly giggled as he hung up his sweater and took off his shoes.

"Don't 'Hey Tae' me!" The brunette huffed out. 

Jimin was now completely confused, despite being used to Tae's usual off behavior this was out of the ordinary...more than usual. "Okay, what did I do?" The boy asked in a playful tone. 

"Minghao invited you to the party tonight? AND YOU SAID NO!?" Jimin watched his roommate dramatically fall back onto their couch with his hand flipped back to rest on his forehead as if he fell ill. 

Letting out a giggle Jimin join Tae on the couch pushing his legs off and answered the other, "I can't go tonight I'm literally performing tomorrow." Jimin watched as Tae rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, "Plus, Minghao may be very hot-"

"Very hot, like the 'I'm pretty sure he is the reason behind global warming and the melting ice caps' type of hot!" His roommate added on in a dramatic tone. 

"Like I was saying, he may be very hot, but I'm not really in the place to date. We are graduating this year Tae..."

Tae now slowly sitting himself up and leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder sighed. "You're right..." Thinking he won Jimin smiled before he heard Tae speak once more. "But, I promised Somi I was bring you to the part so get changed." He quickly rambled before jumping off the coach to avoid Jimin's rath and running to his room. 

Jimin groaned and shouted to the other down the hall, "Since when did you two become partners in crime!"

"Go or I'm not rebleaching your hair!" Tae shouted back.

"Fine... but only for an hour max!" Jimin huffed as he slumped over on the couch before finding the energy to drag himself to his room and change. 

In no less than an hour the boy was dressed and sat in front of Tae having his hair and makeup done. 

He wore black skinny jeans that framed his waist with a belt and lose white T-shirt tucked in. His frame was covered with a black denim jacket that had silver jews accent certain areas. With silver necklaces, earings and rings pulling the look together the boy was dragged to the Starship Sorority annual spring pool party.  Pool parties are usually in the daytime, but along with skinny dipping and free liquor it was one of the biggest parties of the year that took place the day before the festival. 


"Holy shit Jimin you look hot!" Somi rushed over to Tae and Jimin the second they walked in, giving them each a big hug and red solo cups filled with a mixture of tequila and lemonad. The girl was swaying to the music and had a big smile as she continued on, " Tae you did this didn't you?" 

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