(2) It'll be fine

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Your POV

I walk into school feeling confident for once. I had gone on Twitter in the car and had read Lin's gnight tweet from last night which just made me feel refreshed. He also seemed to be having some deep thoughts late at night which were pinging on my phone as I was getting ready this morning. He always makes me smile. 

I sit down in History and get my books and laptop out. We were starting a new topic today and the teacher wanted to keep it a secret. I don't know why cause there aren't that many people in our A-Level History class - my school is very academic, most people do sciences. Anyways, just as I was chatting with my friend Belle, the teacher walked in, a tad unorganised, as usual, but he seemed very excited about the lesson.

"Morning class, sorry I'm late I - uhm- I - well you see the traffic was - you know what, I can't even be bothered to lie, I slept in. You don't know that right?" he said pointing a finger at us, and we giggled.

"So, right, yes, the new topic! It's very different to the ones we've done before but I think you might find it quite interesting."

He handed out a new textbook to each of us. On the front it read, 'The American Revolution: the Formation of a Democracy'. I made a small gasp under my breath, my nerves standing on end.

"The American Revolution, that's our topic. So to start us off, does anyone know anything about the American Revolution or the Constituion?" 

I held my breath. What should I do? Dare I speak up and essentially recite the entire musical of Hamilton and the various fun facts I know, or should I just stay silent and save myself from the embarrassment? The silence was deafening. I looked over at Belle who sat next to me, and was VERY aware of my little obsession with all things Lin and subsequently Hamilton, but DEFINITELY was NOT actively involved in my activities. She looked at me shaking her head, knowing full well what was about to happen. I was bursting, I had no choice.

"No one?" my teacher encouraged.

I took a deep breath.

"I know a couple of things about it." I heard Belle snigger from my side and I felt my cheeks heating up. The teacher gave me a confused yet bemused look. "Okay my knowledge about it is quite extensive."

"Oh that's fantastic Y/N! Please, do share." He sat cross-legged on the table (he was interesting like that (think Sikowitz from Victorious)) and genuinely seemed interested. It felt really strange, no one had given me permission to ramble on about these types of things before, I had always become too overbearing. As I told him what I knew, slipping in a few Hamilton quotes on the way, I was brimming with pride. When I finished, he seemed quite baffled. Then something clicked in his brain and he said,

"You've seen Hamilton haven't you."

Oh God. I felt like my face was fire as everyone laughed around me. I began laughing too, as it was just so blatantly obvious. It hadn't come to the West End yet so I was quite surprised that my teacher knew of it, but it seems I had misjudged him.

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us." He said, winking at me. I got so excited and beamed widely. No one understood but us. 

I found the class so interesting and actually learned so much more than I knew before. But I can keep my cool. It'll be fine. I tell myself.

Lin's POV


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. 

Moving to London? For a year?! What would Vanessa say? How could we leave New York? Our lives are here. I could barely go to summer camp as a child, let alone leave America for a year and live abroad!

I'm sat at the edge of the Hudson. I didn't know where else to go. If I went back home, I'd have to talk to V about it and I just couldn't face that right now. I did the second show but I was clearly distracted. The cool breeze blows through my hair as I take it out of its second messy bun of the day. It's February. It's cold. And being by the river front doesn't help matters. But I guess it keeps me awake. 

There's no point just sitting here. I have no clue what to do. I might as well just go back home and talk to V about it tomorrow. God, and what about Sebby? Spending a year in London could be really hard for him with adjusting to new surroundings. To be honest, I don't know a thing about stuff like that. Vanessa really would help me. She's a lawyer, she's smart. Yes, I'll speak to her about it tomorrow, I have the day off and I think she does too. 

I begin to walk home and the sun is setting over the George Washington Bridge. It reminds me of In the Heights and how desperate yet simple times were then. Por díos, if I could go back...

The next morning

I wake up to a toddler on my chest, a dog's butt in my face and a beautiful Vanessa looking into my eyes. After my immediate confusion, I see her and smile. God she's so beautiful. I still don't know how I pulled her. The sun was streaming through the windows and it lit up her clear skin so perfectly.

"Morning, hemosa" I smile at her.

"Morning, guapo" she smiles back. 

I chuckle slightly and then gently kiss her lips. I hear our son begin to stir from my chest and he makes a cute noise before sitting straight up. He looks at us both before smiling and snuggling in between us. Tobi, our rescued dog, stands up, finally moving her rear from face, and goes to sit at our feet. It's pure bliss and I get the feeling that everything is gonna be fine. It'll be just fine.

A/N: Hi again! So great to see some interaction already! It's lovely to hear from you so please comment any feedback or ideas. This ones a bit longer and is also a bit of a filler setting up the story. I might do a big time jump either next chapter or the one after to when Lin moves to London, but we'll see. Also, quick disclaimer... your and Lin's stories aren't synced up right now so aren't on the same time scale but they will soon. Just thought I'd say so that it makes easier reading. Bye my lovelies!

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