(3) If you can dream it, you can do it

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Your POV

I'm in the streets of New York again. Aunt Jackie was taking me shopping and had decided to treat me to a cool drink and a cake at this cute coffee shop. I sat at a table whilst she ordered at the counter. I am looking out the window watching the world move by, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N..." . I turn around and see the man I had been hoping to see my whole life. "Y/N..." His kind eyes, "Y/N..." his deeply furrowed eyebrows, "Y/N..." his perfectly plush-


I have never been more scared in my life. I quite literally jumped out of my skin and shot up in my bed, eyes feverishly open. My insensitive sister had been trying to shake me awake. I shot her a scowl. She scowled back, mimicking me.

"Y/N, if you don't get up now you are going to be late for school. Again. Now get up and put whatever trash bag from your cupboard you feel like wearing. We're leaving in 5 minutes."

Arse. I thought. But she had a point, I need to get ready right now otherwise I'll be late for the third time this week. She does love me really, she just has a funny way of showing it...

Speaking of love, I remembered my dream that I had just moments before, and smiled. Then that faded, as I realised the absurdity of it - never going to happen Y/N! He lives in New York. That was a once in a lifetime trip and you were too young to remember. Just forget about it.

Lin's POV

I spoke to Vanessa about the whole London situation and, surprisingly, she was all in! She said that it was the perfect time for Sebby as he wasn't quite in school yet, and also that she had always wanted to go. That gave me such a great relief and my heart already felt lighter by the afternoon. 

Now I just had to let Rob know.

I called his cell just before one of our shows, suddenly remembering his deadline. Ringing... ringing... ringi-

"Hello, it's Rob Marshall here." I sighed a small sigh of relief. 

"Hi, Rob! It's Lin!"

"Oh Lin, man, it's great to hear from you! Today's the deadline for the Poppins movie, have you made up your mind?"

"Ah yes, that's why I called. I'm in."

"Oh that's fantastic! Oh Lin, you have no idea how amazing this project is gonna be, I'm so glad you've joined."

"It's a pleasure, Rob." I said smiling through the phone. I had been worried that they had already replaced me. I had become quite attached to the idea of Jack the lamplighter, and even watched the original over a couple more times. I'm so grateful that I could still have the role.

"So, we'll release the announcement about you and Emily later this month and we can start talking with the team as a whole about where to go from here."

"Emily?" I inquired.

"Blunt. Emily Blunt. Ah shit, sorry Lin! I forgot to say! Emily Blunt is going to be starring as Mary Poppins." Rob said hurriedly.

I was absolutely flabaghasted. Motherfucker, this was gonna be insane...

Your POV

I'm on the way back from school after another stressful day in chilly Feb. I just can't be bothered with the weather anymore. It genuinely makes no sense. Just last week the skies were blue and it was 15°C, really hot for February! Now the skies are once again blocked by the thick grey blanket of clouds that loom above us and the temperatures have plunged. I look out the window. The clouds look really heavy and I wondered if it would snow. Ha! In my dreams!

I sit at my desk doing my homework, such a tedious task. I'm pretty impressed - I've been studying for about 2 hours and I haven't looked at my phone once. I finish up my essay on the American Revolution before leaning back in my chair and finally picking up my phone.

I immediately go to Twitter to see if Lin has said anything and, sure enough, he has. I smile as I scroll through them, reading each one with pleasure. He was very active today. Then I stopped. 

Lin had retweeted Disney. 

It said that they were making a new film 'Mary Poppins Returns', a sequel to the original Mary Poppins movie, starring Emily Blunt and (here's the catch) 


I started screaming at the top of my lungs in excitement. Oh my god there was so much to be excited about!!

A) Lin was gonna be in a new movie, meaning more content for me to see

B) It was a Disney movie

C) This movie was starring EMILY BLUNT 



OH MY GOODNESS. THERES NO WAY. WOULD THEY-? COULD THEY-? WOULD THEY COME HERE TO FILM?! WOULD LIN FINALLY COME TO ENGLAND, TO LONDON?! Oh my god, that would literally mean the whole fucking world to me! 

I started to cry as I imagined the prospect of being in the same country, hell the same city as Lin! Could I meet him? Oh my god all this time, I've been telling myself, 

Y/N, forget about it. Y/N, he lives in New York, he's never gonna come to London. Y/N, you're never going to meet him. Forget about it.

And now? Now my dreams had the possibility of coming true. Even that little glimmer of chance was enough to give me the hope I needed to keep pressing through. Cause damn, I guess Disney is right,

If you can dream it, you can do it.

A/N: Hi again! This part took a bit longer than the others to write as I was LACking inspiration (see what I did there😉!). Anyways, I go back to school  from the Easter holidays next week and I need to be revising for some important exams I have coming up, so I may be less active. I will try to work on chapters once or twice a week but I also need to make sure I prioritise my sleep cause (sorry I'm about to do it again) I'm LACking in that too! Ok hope you enjoyed reading, till next time lovelies!

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