(6) Costa

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Lin's POV

Pitter patter pitter patter. I hear the sounds on the window next to my bed. I slowly open my eyes. It's raining. Again. I knew the weather was miserable in England, but it seems like it has rained almost everyday since we got here. I hope the spring comes quickly.

Clink clank clink clank. I hear another noise, coming from the kitchen this time. I slowly get up and move towards the door and open it. Sure enough, there was my beautiful Vanessa, cooking at the island, unaffected by the weather. Bacon and eggs I think - it smelled so good... 

Sebastian sat at the breakfast bar eating his Cheerios and looked at me when I entered. His smile was so contagious. Vanessa always tells me that he is the spitting image of me and that makes me such a proud father. It's not because of my looks but because I hope someday he can follow his own dreams and be whatever he wants to be. As a father, there is no choice for him to have any less than what I have had. He will have the greatest life known to man. That I'm sure of.

Vanessa's POV

I turn around and see Lin has woken up and he and Seb are looking at each other smiling. God, the pair of them are so cute, and it's adorable how Sebastian emulates Lin. I love that man too much.

"Morning, baby." I finally say, and he turn to me smiling. I see his beautiful face and the wrinkles in his eyes and I know that he is happy. We are all happy.

"Morning, hermosa." He walked over to me and plants a peck on my forehead. Damn, the things this man does to me...

Your POV

Another day, another struggle. Rent was getting tight and I was barley making it each month. Belle was fine as she had a stable job with a comfortable monthly salary but my unablity and to pay was driving a rift between us.

"Y/N, you have to realise that I can't keep paying the rest of what you owe! It's coming out of MY savings!!" Belle seemed to scream at me.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I just simply don't have the money! It's not something I can control!" I replied sourly in defence.

"Yes Y/N! It is something you can fucking control! Look I know it's hard to get a well paying job in the city but you knew what you were signing up for when you moved here. This wasn't even my idea. It was yours. So do fucking something about it." And with that she walked out the front door and slammed it behind her. 

I hated it when we fought, especially when she was right. And that she was. I had to do something about it.

Later that day 

After finishing my early shift off at the corner shop, I decided to go to Costa for a warm drink before I went looking to see if there were any vacancies in any shops nearby. I would also see if there were any openings at Costa, just in case.

I walked into Costa, wrapped up tight from the downpour outside and shook off my brolly. I walked up to the counter and ordered my drink and a pastry, before asking the middle aged lady,

"Hey, I was just wondering do you have any jobs openings at the moment?"

"Nope, were fully staffed. Maybe come back in the summer?" She replied, slightly bitter. Oh well, what could I have expected, it's a well-known chain, of course there won't be any free jobs. There will be other places. Hopefully...

I go and sit down with my stuff by the window near the exit and look out at the rain splattered street. Pathetic fallacy, am I right? (Pathetic fallacy is when the weather reflects your mood btw. So cause it's rainy and overcast, Y/N is feeling sad, you get the gist) I sigh in sympathy at my own state. How did I get here? This wasn't how my gap year was meant to go. I was meant to be thriving with the city life, not wallowing in my sorrows and debt. 

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