(4) A new home

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time skip to September 2016

Lin's POV

There isn't long left until we have to move to London. I did my last performance as Alexander Hamilton on July 9th and it was so special. Everything suddenly was amplified and you could feel it in the cast how much it meant to everyone. After we took our bows, Chris pushed me forward for one final individual one. The roars of the theatre could have shaken the Empire State to thstate ground. I had felt so appreciated, so valuable, so humble... We went out for drinks after and let's just say I don't remember much of what happened... 😅

Vanessa is sitting by the window looking at the GWB longingly and I go and join her. I hug her from behind and gaze in the same direction. Wow what a view... And the nostalgia it holds somehow brings me to tears. This is my home. And pretty soon I'm going to have to say goodbye to it for a long period of time. But I'll be back. How could I not return to a place as magical as this? Washington Heights. Because everything's easier when you're home. 

I tried to insert a video of 'When you're home' from In the Heights here but it wasn't working to here is the web address for it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ObWJGtppYY&feature=youtu.be

Btw the song is based off Lin and Vanessa's second date in which they showed each other their favourite parts of Washington Heights, ending either George Washington Bridge. How cute is that!

Your POV

September. Damn the summer went by so fast. And now I'm in the real world. I got pretty decent grades in my A-Levels although they were one hell of a ride I must stay. I was in a really dark place around that time and Lin, his tweets and the idea of him maybe moving here kept me motivated. But I decided that I wanted to take a gap year in order to experience the real world and become more independent. I feel like it will really help me develop as a person. I'm gonna also take the opportunity to focus on my writing; scripts, songs, poetry, they've all really taken ahold of me, as well as a compulsion to follow my dreams and reach for the stars. Otherwise, what else am I going to do with life? I have to enjoy it whilst I still have the passion for it. 

So that's why I now have a new home. I am living in a small flat in Central London with Belle, who decided she would join me in my getting to know life. I have a job at the corner shop but it doesn't cover the full rent. Luckily, my nan is helping me out. I can't carry on like this for much longer, though. I need to get a job that pays me enough, maybe I need two...

Anyways, there's this new script that I've been working on that is really twisting my mind into dark places, but I love it! It has an element of psychology in it and it delves into criminal mindsets. It requires a lot of research but I think this one might even lead somewhere...

October 2016 

Lin's POV 

Everything was packed, even all of Sebby's toys, which I must say took a while. I looked at the empty room with a few boxes scattered about and wished for the best. I wished that London brings me hope, happiness, creativity and inspiration. And, damn, I hope the people are welcoming.

12 hours later

'We have landed in Heathrow Airport, it is 14:30 local time and 12 degrees Celcius. Thank you for flying with American Airlines. We hope you enjoyed your flight.'

Eight long hours were finally up. I did manage to get quite a bit of sleep but Sebby was the quietest of beings... We were in first class, though, so hopefully he didn't disturb anyone (other than his exhausted parents!). Vanessa picked up Sebby as I pulled our hand luggage out from our locker and handed it to a steward, before nodding in thanks. When we stepped out of the plane, we were hit with a wave of cold air. The sky was grey and it looked like it was about to rain.  That's what they say about England, isn't it though? Always rainy! I guess we'll see how this goes in my new home... 

A/N: Hi again guys! Here's a new chapter. I know it's not the best standard but it kind of does its job. This is the last "setting it up" chapter or whatever I've been saying. Like I said last time, I'm back at school now so I'm updating less but I've enjoyed having time today to write this. Sending love to those to need it xx! Till next time!

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