(5) Chance encounters

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Your POV

"Y/N I'm going out to meet Adam in Hyde Park!"

I hear distantly. I roll over and moan. I hear Belle chuckle.

"I dunno how long I'll be so don't stay in all day."

The front door closes. 

Twenty minutes later, I finally roll out of bed and check the clock in the hall. It wasn't too early, to be honest, only nine-thirty. I ate some granola by the window (it was the only thing in the cupboard) and decided that I would go food shopping and maybe have a drink in Costa.

Once I was done with the shopping, I hauled the bags back to my car down the street from the shop with much difficulty. I was almost at the car so i unlocked it, but when I did, the bottom of one of my bags split and the contents spilled onto the pavement.

" Fuck" I muttered under my break as I knelt down to gather the items. 

"Oh no, are you okay?" I hear an American voice behind me. They really don't get British culture do they - wait - why did that sound familiar? 

Suddenly there was a man crouched down next to me picking up my shopping and putting it into the other bags. I just remained in my position gawking at this man. It couldn't be could it? 

"Is this your car right here?" he said in a New Yorker drawl.

He still hadn't looked at me. I still hadn't seen his face. But I knew who it was.

"I-uh-I-um yes it is" I stumbled out.

"Great." He opened the door and put my bags in the back seat. Finally, he turned around and I saw it. Him. 

"Thanks..." I said, stunned.

He flashed a quick smile at me before saying, "You're welcome" and he just strolled on his way. 

There is no way that just happened. There is no way Lin-Manuel Miranda just spoke to me.

Lin's POV

I was really enjoying staying in London. The people there were either way too polite or just seemed like they hated everyone and life. But most people were really kind to me, V and Sebby, often asking how old he was and complimenting his fluffy hair. Not many people really knew my name here, since Hamilton wasn't yet open on the West End, and Heights wasn't as successful here. Every now and then people would stop me saying they recognised me from somewhere and I'd take a selfie with them if they asked, but I was really loving the privacy of my life.

Poppins rehearsals had started and we were learning the songs, and God, they are so damn good. I was walking to rehearsals one day and I somehow got completely lost in the city, unable to find my way to the studio. I had to get the tube to get to there (the tube was essentially like the subway. I loved riding it around the city.) and I genuinely didn't know where the closest station was. I decided to take the chance and ask an unsuspecting Brit for directions, hoping they would help. 

I saw a girl with Y/H/L (your hair length), Y/H/C (your hair colour) hair crouched down on the sidewalk, I assume tying her laces. She seemed approachable as she wasn't one of the people rushing past me on the street with no intention to stop and a help a guy out. I slowly made my way over to her so not to freak her out and I reached her just as she stood up.

"Hey there, sorry to bother you, but do you know where the closest tube station is?" I was already picking up on the British ways. Looking at this girl's flustered face, I thought she looked kinda familiar. She was a beautiful young lady but i couldn't place where I knew her from. After several seconds of stumbling on her words the girl, who looked about 20, pointed me in the direction of the nearest station,

"Oh right, um, it's just over there and cross the road and turn left- no right, turn right!"

I chuckled at her nervousness and thanked her for her help. Just as I turned away I saw a pin on her little backpack. A Hamilton badge. She was a Hamilfan. No wonder she was nervous! She actually knew who i was! Bless her! I gave her a quick wink and before following the route she had said. I walked away, feeling a little smug, even though I know I shouldn't. I still had it.

Your POV


Wow, I'm on such a high. My baby, Lin, is firstly, living in the same place as me, and secondly, has spoken to me twice. I don't think he remembered me though. Why would he? I am just a random girl who he asked for directions from... and that he helped with her bags.... Well, he is such a pure person he probably does that all the time. 

But when he looked at me, my heart fluttered. I never thought I would ever see those eyes in real life and yet there he was right in front of me. I wonder if I'll see him again. Of course I would love to. What would I even say if he actually had a conversation with me? 

"Oh my God, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I love you so much! I read all your tweets and have a fat album full of pictures of you and I know pretty much everything about you!!!"

Yeah, I think not.

Besides, that would never happen. Why would he even associate with me, a stranger, unless for general politeness. lol he must be finding life here very interesting. God forbid he never crosses a roadman, he'd be doomed. 

It was just a coincidence, Y/N. Two crazy chance encounters. Then why am I left thinking about the possibility for hours...

A/N: Hey, I'm back! I know it's been quite a while since I published my last chapter but here is the next one. It took me quite a while as I have been doing it bit by bit. Unfortunately, I won't be publishing, or likely even writing, for the next three weeks because I have my exams, but hopefully after that I can back to the story. I am not done with it! This is the proper start of it, so it's all set up and the timelines will be more synced than before with less time jumps, I think. Ok. Great. Sending love, feedback always welcome! Xx

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