Chapter 5: School or no

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(I own this picture, I drew it and colored it)

Bold= Speaking in Greek
Italics= Thoughts


"Why is Tony passed out on the floor?" Bruce looked at Steve for an answer.

"Well, Clint screamed because there is an owl supposedly with a letter for Ariadne from her school, Tony then came in and saw the owl and got so confused that he passed out," Answered Steve.


Once Tony became conscious again we settled down at the kitchen table.

"So 'Witch-y' start talking," sassed Tony.

"Like I said, I'm a witch. I go to a school in Scotland for people like me, the professors teach us how to control our magic and we also learn about the history in H.o.M. but no one pays attention except for Hermione, it's a boring class."

"Oooo! Do you have a wand like all of the movies have?" that was Clint.

"WE are NOTHING like what movies portray us as, Clint! But to answer your question- yes I do have a wand." I was a little bit mad at his accusation, but brushed it off as best as I could.

"What's your wand made from Lady Aria?" Thor asked.

"It's woods are Walnut, Blackthorn, Hornbeam, and Elder, and the cores are Phoenix feather and Thestral hair. It's also 13 and ¼ inches and slightly flexible. Unlike most wands I had to get mine custom made, meaning I had to pick between the woods and cores. Usually you would go to Olivanders and then a wand would choose you, but after an hour and a half Mr. Olivander suggested that I do a custom made wand."

As I finished up with that everyone was slightly more confuzzled than before except Thor, he looked like he was about to cry— that made me confused. The more I looked into his expression the more confused I got. His emotions varied from confused, thoughtful, then like he realized something important, and then finally settling in bewildered happiness- looking as if he might cry from pure happiness.

Once I explained a little more about Hogwarts, I got out a piece of paper and a pen and sent a letter back with the owl saying that I will be attending for the school year. After much persuasion I finally got the owl to head back to Scotland.

"So little witch," Thor began, "when do you have to get your supplies?"

"Usually I would meet up with the Weasley's and go with them as well as Harry and Hermione around the last week of July and would stay with the Weasleys at their house until school starts, but I have a feeling that you guys want to come with me so things will change" I replied.

"You bet witchling!" Tony enthusiastically said.

~~~Time skip~~~

It was the last week of July and me and the team were getting in the quintet to go to London. I don't know how the team got me to agree with them coming, but they did. Also I sent Professor Dumbledore a letter explaining everything that happened this summer and he said that the team was allowed to come to Hogwarts to help 'protect' the students, but I have a feeling that he just wants to see the shocked faces of "Earth's mightiest heroes" when they see magic for the first time.

"So," I began, "When we land I want everyone to stick to me. I don't want anyone wandering off in Diagon Alley, you could go into the more dangerous parts and none of you know how to defend yourselves against a witch or wizard."

Once they all agreed we headed off to England.

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