Chapter 8

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Bold= Speaking in Greek

Italics= Thoughts


As Ragnok led me back to his office Thor gasped and exclaimed "My god, you're a Valkyrie!"


As soon as I walked in Thor said that I was a Valkyrie. Me, a real life Valkyrie. I mean- I have the wings, yeah. But I could be any other creature with wings- like a veela! Nope! Not me! I had to be a Valkyrie.

My appearance changed a bit after the block was taken off. I got about 2 inches taller and my nose became more prominent, instead of the button shape it was. My hair grew a tad longer, but it didn't matter to me because I preferred my hair at its new length. Another change was my body, I was slightly more muscle and the rest of the baby fat, that didn't go away with puberty, went away. Oh, I also have gorgeous wings. They're this milky-galactic gray combination and are very light.

After I was done admiring myself in the mirror Ragnok has in his office, we got down to business and discussed all of my new abilities and what being a Valkyrie entails.

Thor wasn't very helpful with telling me what a Valkyrie does because apparently there hasn't been any active, or assigned to the throne, so very few people know what Valkyries do. He also told me that his mother and father, the Queen and Allfather of Asgard, should know what to do.

Ragnok also informed me that because of my mother, Athena, being the goddess of war I inherited being a Valkyrie from her. And that it's very rare that her children have this 'gift'. We then went over my vaults and more legal stuff to do with my inheritance.

When Thor and I walked out of Ragnok's office to meet up with everyone else, they were shocked.

"OMG you have wings! Frickin' wings!" Clint shouted. At the same time the twins said "wicked".

"Yes, I have wings. No Hermione, I'm not a veela, I'm a Valkyrie. Ron stop gawking, Harry close your mouth. And no you may NOT touch the wings!" I said as I aimed that last remark at the twins and Tony.

Time skip!

Soon it was September 1st and that meant it was time for school. Once I was all packed and ready, me and the team headed over to Kings Cross, where we met up with the Weasleys. As soon as we met up the team got swept away by Fred and George, while I went to find a compartment with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

We found a semi empty compartment- as it only had someone named R.J. Lupin in it, but he was, what we presumed, asleep. After we were settled Harry began to tell us about his aunt and how she got blown up. Ron and I thought that it was funny....... Hermione did not- she scolded Harry.

A little while later the train stopped and something came aboard. This tall, floaty looking thing was all black and didn't have a face. I started to feel dizzy and nauseous and I eventually heard a scream that sounded like Annabeth shouting "NO!". Later I learned that the creature was a dementor and Harry also passed out. I also learned that R.J. Lupin is our new DADA professor, he gave us chocolate to help with the dementor side effects.

The team stumbled into our compartment checking in on me which was nice. Though we had to expand the compartment to fit all of us. Soon we arrived at Hogwarts, and the team had looks of awe. 

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