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Ariadne pov:

I was currently running down an alley in New York, trying to get away from a group of four, three males and one female, who were currently chasing me. You're probably thinking 'how did I get into this situation' or 'who am I', well let me explain. My name is Ariadne but most people call me Aria or Ari, I go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all the way in Scotland, at age eleven I was sorted into Gryffindor where I started my first year at Hogwarts and met my closest friends, Fred and George Weasley. This upcoming year will be my fifth, putting me at age 15.

Every summer I stay at a summer camp at Long Island Sound, New York called Camp Half-Blood. It's a camp for people like me, demigods; half human and half god or goddess. Sometimes at camp there will be a couple quests that require us to leave camps protective barrier. I was sent out to go and see if any monsters were lingering around the streets of New York. While I was walking around on patrol there was a rouge harpy that came at me.

After I killed the harpy I transformed my dagger back into its everyday form, a ring (picture in the media*). Not that much later the group of people came after me, and that takes us to where we are now.

When I looked back to see where the group was I immediately bumped into the end of the alley I went down. As I turned to look at the group, I finally got to take in their appearance, the guys were taller than me and the woman was about my height maybe a little taller. She was wearing an all black catsuit and her red hair was down, she also has green eyes.

The tallest male has blond hair and blue eyes and he looked like he was wearing the American flag. The second tallest guy has blue eyes and brown hair and was wearing a similar outfit to what the female has on, but he had a bow and arrows with him. Finally, the shortest male has both brown hair and eyes, but instead of wearing a normal outfit like the others he was in a metal suit.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to come with us," American flag dude said.

"Why should I?" came my sassy reply as I reached towards my ring.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the red head said.

Slowly I made my ring transform into my dagger and lunged towards the guy with the bow and knocked him unconscious. The woman ran to his side as the metal suit guy came at me, as we fought I saw flag guy come up behind me. I quickly moved out of the way and they ran into each other and crashed against the wall. After making sure that her comrade was okay, the woman stalked towards me ready to attack. While fighting her the metal dude knocked me on my stomach and tied my hands behind my back.

As all this was going on the male in the American flag drove an SUV to where we were at. When he pulled up, the red head grabbed the still unconscious archer and pulled him into the vehicle. Once he was situated Mr. Flag guy got into the drivers side and metal man hauled me up into the back seat.

"Alright Cap we're good to go," metal man said once we were in.

"On it Stark," was his reply.

April 4th, 2021
*changed picture in media

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