Chapter 4: Introducing Ardis and MORE questions

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Bothe pictures were from google, but I recolored them to match Ardis' description better- I did not make the art- all I did was recolored them and put them in one picture. The original art is at the bottom of the chapter.

Bold=Speaking in Greek
Underlined=Answering a question

Ten rounds and levels later and some curses in Greek the pizza came. Let me tell you when a voice went off to tell us that the food had arrived, I jumped. Tony let me know that the voice was an A.I. And his name was Jarvis. Bruce volunteered to go down and get them with Steve so that they can bring all 10 pizzas up in one run. Thor, Clint, Tony, myself, and Natasha, who joined after my third round playing (and winning) went on to our eleventh round.


When Bruce and Steve got back, they set the pizza(s) that everyone got next to them. Tony paused Mario Kart and asked everyone what we should watch. Eventually we settled on watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. When we reached Lucy bringing everyone into Narnia, a certain peryton decided to poke his head out of my bag. Luckily he was in his smaller form but Clint noticed that I now had a companion on my lap eating a piece of my pizza, he's hungry.

"OH MY GOD!" Clint screamed in surprise. Everyone turned to Clint, who was pointing at the small-formed peryton in my lap, and then to the weight in my lap.

"Ariadne, what is that?" Asked Steve, rather calmly.

"His name is Ardis!" I said happily as soon as I said that, Ardis turned into his larger form and growled. I turned and looked at what (or should I say who) he was growling at, it was Tony trying to touch his antlers.

"You have a peryton? I thought all of them were extinct, Lady Aria." Thor asked excitedly. Ardis turned back, after much persuasion, and finally settled down on my lap. I waited for everyone to stop their rapid questions (mainly Tony and Clint with Bruce asking 2-3 questions) and then answered a couple simple questions that they had.

"What is that?" That was Clint

"HE is a peryton and his name is Ardis"

"How?!?" Tony was VERY confused about what just happened.

"A peryton can, depending on if they have bonded with a person and how close the bond is, can change into a smaller version of themselves to help better protect their person (A/N: probably not true in mythology)." Thor stated, shocking everyone. I was impressed, not many people, or 'mythology' people/Gods/creatures, know what a peryton is let alone what they can do.

"That is very true," I responded.

Time skip!

A couple days later (I was staying in a spare room Tony provided me with) I received my Hogwarts letter. Poor owl, he had a long flight to get here.

"Whoa! There's an owl in here!" Clint screamed. Tony poked his head in when he heard Clint scream behind Tony. I could see Steve and Natasha come out of the elevator, They must have gotten done with their workout.

"Yeah..... about him," I started, "I go to a school in Scotland and we get our school list by owl and I'm also a witch, surprise!"

"y-y-yeah," At that moment Tony fell back into the floor, he passed out.

"aaaaannnddd Iron Man down," Clint laughed. At that moment Bruce and Thor came in, Bruce probably came from the lab and Thor from his room. The first thing that Bruce noticed was Tony still unconscious on the floor.

"Why is Tony passed out on the floor?" Bruce looked at Steve for an answer.

"Well, Clint screamed because there is an owl supposedly with a letter for Ariadne from her school, Tony then came in and saw the owl and got so confused that he passed out," Answered Steve.


A/N: 10/17/2020
I'm so sorry for not posting, school has been packed with work. Not as long of a chapter as I would have liked, but I just had enough time to write this. What was your favorite part of the story so far? I would love to know. Stay safe!

December 14th, 2020
If you haven't already read chapter 1 & 2 for the full authors note.

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