Chapter 1: Captured

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Things to know for the chapter
Italics= inner thoughts
Ariadne pov:
Once in the van, 'Stark' decided that he needed to talk to me. I mean really? Talk to the person that you just kidnapped? Kidnapped has the word nap in it, man a nap sounds good right about now. Can I take a nap? I'm getting off track, stupid ADHD.

"So, how come a 14 year old is on S.H.I.E.L.Ds potential threat list? Hmm?"

"Where are you taking me?"

"We are on our way to Avengers Tower," 'Cap' answered.

——— Time Skip to when they arrive———

When we got to the tower I was immediately put in an interrogation room that had a table in the middle and two chairs, one on each side, facing each other. The walls were blank except for the decently sized mirror on one of the walls. Surprisingly no monsters decided that they needed to grace me with their presence, I'm shocked because I'm surrounded by a TON of tech. A soon as I was broken out of my thoughts 'Cap' walked into the room and sat in the other chair.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asked.


"You were seen fighting with someone and then they disappeared. Can you explain to me where the person went?" Why did he have to keep questioning me, it's getting annoying.

As I was about to reply, I felt the presence of five other people, three of which belonged to 'Stark', the redheaded woman, and the archer from earlier. The other two were new, but I could tell that one of them was a god. Why would a god be here? Did Grandfather banish someone from Olympus?

"Who are the people behind the glass?" I was genuinely curious and confused as to why there was a god here and why they wouldn't be back on Mt. Olympus with the others.

At first the star spangled man was confused as to who I was talking about, but then a look of realization crossed his face and then finally he settled on a look of confusion.

"How do you know that someone is behind the glass?" He asked.

"Who are they? There are 5 of them, the three that were with you earlier and two others," I questioned, I NEEDED to know WHY there was a god present. Did I do something wrong? Was I being disowned and thrown out from camp? Is camp being attacked?

Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, a little too big to be the man asking me questions. As I was calming down, (I didn't even realize that I was on the edge of a panic attack) I took a minute to process who's hand was on me. When I finally calmed down I sensed that it was the gods hand and he was trying to help me calm down.

"Can you look at me, little demi?" The god said.

When I looked up at him I saw that he has baby blue eyes and somewhat dirty blond hair, he was also VERY tall, even being crouched down to match my height sitting in a chair.

"Hi," I squeaked. Since when do I squeak?

"Hi," he responded, smiling slightly, "what's your name little demi?"

"Ariadne, what's yours?" Why do I feel calm around him? What's going on?

"I am Thor, Son of Odin," he said in a slightly soothing voice.

"So definitely NOT from Olympus, nor is he Roman or Egyptian," I muttered, but he still must have heard it along with 'Cap'.


December 14th, 2020
I am currently making a copy of this story on google docs so I have a backup in case something happens to this one. While making a copy I noticed a few errors throughout the story, they have now been fixed for this chapter. The next part is coming soon, my last day of school before winter break is on Friday (18th), I am trying to do any last minute assignments so right now is overwhelming. During break 1 or 2 chapters will posted, it all depends on how much time I have.

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