Chapter 2: Confusing others

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Italics~ Inner thoughts
Bold~ Greek


"I am Thor, Son of Odin," he said in a slightly soothing voice.

"So definitely NOT from Olympus, nor is he Roman or Egyptian," I muttered, but he still must have heard it along with 'Cap'.


As soon as I said that 'Cap' looked at me like I was crazy, Thor on the other hand told me, very casually might I add, that he was Norse.

"That explains why I'm not that familiar with your name," I said and to further explain, "I'm Greek, mom's side."

By now 'Cap' looked about ready to pass out from the language switch. I don't blame him I would too if I wasn't acquainted with mythology that's not really mythology.

"So, can I get names or am I going to keep calling you guys Star Spangled Man, Archer dude, redhead, Metal Man, and Pirate," I stated, looking at everyone in the room, realizing that the people from behind the 'glass' are now in the room and the mystery person had an eyepatch on making him look like a pirate. Soon they all started saying their names to me and, most of them, their superhero names as well.

"Steve Rogers or Captain America"

"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow"

"Clint Barton or Hawkeye"

"Tony Stark, Iron Man, but you should already know that"

"Director Nick Fury"

"I'm sorry," I asked confused, directing my question to Tony, "but why should I know you?"

Let's just say that comment left Steve and Nick confused, Natasha looked like she was thinking about something, probably about how I don't know who Tony Stark is, Clint fell over because he was laughing too hard, Thor looked understanding, and Tony, well he looked about ready to faint.

While this was going on a man with brown hair and eyes entered the room with a bag and a clipboard in hand. Nick told him that it was about time he got here and that he needed to start the exam. With that being said I could make out that 'the exam' would be on me, only because the man turned to me and introduced himself as Dr. Bruce Banner or as Tony called him when he first walked in, Bruce-y.

"So," Dr.Banner began, "Can you sit on the table so we can begin, or would you be more comfortable going to one of the labs to do the exam?"

"Here is fine," as I responded I hopped up on the interrogation table in the middle of the room.

As soon as I got settled on the table Bruce asked everyone to leave. As everyone started to go I spoke up, my attention on Thor.

"Can you stay?" For some odd reason I felt safe with him, something I'm not use to feeling outside of camps border.

"Of course little demi."

Thor then took a seat next to me, except he was sitting on the chair instead of the table. Obviously, I don't think the table could hold both of us. Ahhh! I'm getting off track. When Thor, Dr.Banner, and I were the only ones left in the room, the exam began.


December 14th, 2020
I am currently making a copy of this story on google docs so I have a backup in case something happens to this one. While making a copy I noticed a few errors throughout the story, they have now been fixed for this chapter. The next part is coming soon, my last day of school before winter break is on Friday (18th), I am trying to do any last minute assignments so right now is overwhelming. During break 1 or 2 chapters will posted, it all depends on how much time I have.

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