Chapter one

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"IM COMING" I shouted down the stairs at my mum who was slowly getting on my nerves.

She'd been screaming at me to get out of bed for the past hour but I wasn't having it, it was a Saturday for fucks sake and it's only 9am.

"Iris, hurry up or we'll be late" my mum decided to finally come upstairs to shout at me instead of killing her chest from the kitchen.

I shoved my pillow back over my head and ignored her but knew I'd have to get up sooner or later.

At least it was summer and wasn't freezing cold as soon as I took my covers off, that was the worst feeling - moving from your warm bed into the cold outside.

My room was nothing special, I had a desk with my laptop and switch but no fancy setup; there were posters on my wall of tv shows I liked and a collage of pictures I did years ago that I hated. Why did I have to have such embarrassing phases?

I groaned and pulled myself up walking into the en-suite bathroom to wash my face and actually wake up for the day.

We weren't a super rich family but we were well off and I'd been saving money to buy god knows what for a couple years. No idea why I guess it just built up and I don't have anything I really wanna get at the moment.

My rich grandad got me my laptop for my birthday last year, while my reluctant parents cried inside at the thought of me having yet another screen to as they would say 'Rot my brain' on.

I sluggishly walked over to the wardrobe and picked out an outfit.


Fuck off mum. I thought silently to myself. God, sometimes I hated that woman.

I turned back to the clothes yet again and landed on a dark blue worn out sweatshirt and a long light green skirt- what the fuck am I supposed to wear in summer anyways. I knew I'd get hot but I couldn't be bothered to search for my long lost summer clothes that were probably somewhere in the bottom of the messy abyss my wardrobe was.

*iris' outfit*

I closed the wardrobe, got dressed and then studied my reflection

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I closed the wardrobe, got dressed and then studied my reflection. I wasn't beautiful, not in the way those girls on my tiktok were but I was pretty. I had bright green eyes and short dark hair, cut a bit like Alice cullen's. My lips were full and I had a few freckles here and there.

I brushed my hair out and ran downstairs. Shit Ive got five minutes I thought, looking at the clock. How the fuck has ten minutes passed already?

"Hey mum!" I said as I walked past grabbing the toast that just popped out the toaster.

"What the heck Iris that was mine!" My brother, Ben , chased me around the kitchen but soon gave up after looking up at my mothers glare.

"Seriously guys we really are running late, Eat your breakfast and clean your teeth and we'll get going" she said not angrily, only tiredly and obviously fed up with our bullshit.

My brother was 14 and I was 17 going on 18. My birthday was in a week actually!

As I walked past my brother I whispered in his ear.
"I won, I got the toast" and winked at him waving the toast in his face.

He only glared at me as I got the Nutella out the fridge.

I heard him mutter "I really hate you sometimes" under his breath as he went to make another batch.

I know, I know it's petty but I live for the little things, Like annoying the fuck out of my brother.

I quickly finished my breakfast and ran up the stairs to clean my teeth and put on some light makeup. Some mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow would do I couldn't be bothered with a full face.

Finally, after what had probably been more like 40 minutes i came downstairs and put on my docs ready to leave.

My mum walked through the hall and I made a face.

"God mum you take soooo long, what's it been? Forty minutes?" I said sarcastically laughing and doubling over.

She just rolled her eyes at me and put her shoes on.

"Sometimes i wonder how I ended up with two such annoying children" she muttered sarcastically

I burst out laughing and lightly hit her on the back.

My parents had divorced years ago when I was very young so I don't really remember it and although I still saw my dad, my mum had basically raised me herself. Ben and I were really grateful.

At last we left the house and got into the car.

"Mum where are we going?" I asked.

"To a friends! You've never met them before but I think they have a son your age I can't remember his name what was it? Terry? Tim? I cant remember but he is nice!"

"Cool!" I said but was really thinking.

Oh god not a boy...

(A/N - this was a quick introduction to life at Iris' home and what she and her family are like! Hope you'll keep reading!)

Word count: 914

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