Chapter six

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*** Iris' POV ***

What the fuck just happened, did we almost kiss? Was I just imagining that?

These thoughts continued as I tossed and turned in my bed. I arrived back at my mums last night and instantly went to my room to call Catrin.

We were on a call for almost four hours and it was so worth it. She streamed, we played minecraft together and chatted - it was so fun. When she finished streaming I told her about what happened with tubbo.

*flashback to the facetime with catrin*

Bring bring bring

I waited for Catrin to pick up and finally after four tries she did.


Oops, maybe should have left it and not called so much...

"Sorry tiger, just needed to talk. I saw tubbo today after school, remember I told you I was going to?"

"Oh shit yeah! Let me just finish this homework and I'll call u back. Actually you can stay on the call if you want and help? You're better at psych than I am..."

I groaned and agreed, I may be good at psychology but now was NOT the time for homework. But I ignored the feeling and reluctantly agreed.

Finally half an hour later Catrin was done and I could talk.

"FINALLY! That took years." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah and whose fault is that? Not my fault you were too distracted daydreaming to actaully help me." They said teasing me.

"Whatever, whatever. We actually need to talk though, Catrin." I said getting serious.

"Oh god what happened?" She replied looking worried.

I flopped down on my bed and took a deep breath telling the story of tubbo and my near kiss.

"Well," Catrin said with a deep breath " did u want him to kiss you?"

"I have NO idea!" I exclaimed shoving my pillow over my head and screaming into my mattress.

"You're no help catrinnnnn asaarghhhh."

They only laughed and fell off their chair in happy tears.

*go back to present time*

We logged off the call at almost 1am but even then I couldn't sleep. I Tossed and turned relentlessly and paced around my room. I eventually gave up accepting my sleepless night and decided to watch some YouTube to get my mind off of Tubbo.

Soon after, to my relief, I drifted off, with the noise of my screen still playing in the background.

*morning: 10am*

Light was streaming through my bedroom window and it woke me up.

I trudged downstairs and got myself some breakfast, half asleep. I found my mum curled up on the sofa watching 'the end of the fu***ng world' my favourite.

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