Chapter five

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** Iris POV **

When I got home that night I quickly checked on my brother and then practically ran to bed falling asleep almost instantly.

I was exhausted. And I slept deeply. Weirdly, dreaming of my best friend carrying me out of her house. Weird thing to dream about.


I woke up to a warm body next to me and turned over to see my brother. Cuddled into my back and deep in my bed covers. He must have come here last night because the house is pretty cold and his room is quite drafty.

I smiled and slowly shook him awake.

"Ben" I whispered gently moving him "we have school today."

He rolled over and ignored me so I decided to just leave him, get up and get ready for school.

I got out of bed and had a shower and then tried to wake Ben up again. Luckily, he conceded and grudgingly got out of bed and so I continued my routine. I got dressed into a cream ripped jumper with a bear on the front and some baggy black jeans. I paired it with some simple black trainers after deciding the blisters my docs would give me definitely weren't worth it. I also had my school stuff in a bag that went over my shoulder as a kind of tote bag. I was ready for the day...

Iris' outfit

I was in sixth form [A/N - if any of you don't know how British schooling works sixth form is basically like the top two years of school and iris is in upper sixth which is year 13 or to americans grade 12 I think? Basically ages 17-18] which mean...

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I was in sixth form [A/N - if any of you don't know how British schooling works sixth form is basically like the top two years of school and iris is in upper sixth which is year 13 or to americans grade 12 I think? Basically ages 17-18] which meant I could wear own clothes and not the scratchy uniform the younger years had to wear.

I dropped me and my brothers bags at our mums and dropped him off at his school on the way to mine.

School was fine. It was hard work but I enjoyed the subjects I was taking: art, English literature and psychology. They were interesting and passed the time easily.

I met up with Catrin in my free periods and so the school day went by fast. As the day went on I slowly became more excited to see tubbo for the first time since Saturday. I wonder how he felt? We had become quite close during the past few days having texted and even called sometimes but it would be nice to actually see him in person.

*** 3:44pm ***

The school day was finally over and I made my way home first to drop off all my books, i said hi to my mum and told her where I was going and then quickly left to go to the park tubbo and I had decided to meet in.

** Tubbo POV**

I had been waiting all day to see Iris. After I had met her by chance on the weekend I couldn't stop thinking about her, her smile, her eyes, her laugh. She was beautiful and mesmerising.

I pondered what would have happened if I hadn't met up with tommy that day, would I ever have met her?

I knew that Tommy felt the same way though so I tried not to become too optimistic and then get my heart broken. We'd only met once after all and it was more likely I just found her attractive not that I wanted to date her or anything.

Tommy and I had agreed not to tell her about streaming. We didn't want Iris to think of us differently or see our online personas compared to our real ones, it would be weird I reminded myself, trying to reassure myself that it was the right decision and that we weren't keeping something too massive from her. Anyway, I'd tell her eventually. Just not now.

I slowly made my way to the park after all we had planned to meet at 4:00pm.

I was listening to freaks by surf curse. All their music was so good. I wondered what music Iris liked? Stop it Toby you're being stupid stop thinking about her right now I thought to myself.

I spotted her, sitting on a bench on her phone.

I was blown away by her beauty yet again, she was truly stunning. Her outfit was sick as well and I wondered where she got her clothes. Her eyes shine in the quickly approaching summer sun and she was tapping her foot along to the music playing in her headphones.

She looked up at me and our eyes met. A smile instantly came to her face and she bounded over to me her dark hair fluttering in the light breeze.

I opened my arms and welcomed her into a bear hug. She was just about smaller than me and fit into my arms like a glove. I felt her smile into my chest and I breathed in the sweet scent of her hair.

Shit i thought we've been hugging for too long i gently let go.

"Hey." She said blushing slightly

God what is she doing to me

"Hiya." I grinned back and we walked off into the park and chatted long into the night.

*** time skip to 6pm ***

"I should really get going" Iris said to my disappointment.

I looked at the time on my phone and swore.

"Shit" I replied "how the heck is it already six? I told my mum I'd be home by five." I laughed nervously.

"Oh I'm so sorry tubbo I shouldn't have kept you." She exclaimed guiltily rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

It was damn cute.

"God no dont worry it wasn't your fault at all! I love talking to you I just got carried away! I loved seeing you and didn't want it to end." The last part slipped out before I could stop myself.

I was suddenly hyper aware of how close we were. I could feel her breath heavy on my cheek and I had subconsciously bowed down so we were almost touching. I noticed her eyes flick to my lips and she edged ever closer.

Clearly having Realised what was happening she cleared her throat and backed away, to my disappointment.

"Um yeah it was nice seeing you" she quickly finished and practically ran away.

Damn I thought to myself bit harsh but I understood. It was too soon, we'd only known each other for a few days. No matter how right it felt or how long it felt like we'd known each other. We weren't ready.

(A/N - aaaah! Thanks so much this chapter was difficult to get out I had no idea how to do it but I hoped this worked? The love interests are coming together... who do u want to be together?)

Word count: 1137

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