Chapter 8

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I unlocked my door into my house and grandly opened my arms, welcoming tommy inside.

"Here is my incredible house" i said sarcastically pushing Tommy inside.

He was laughing his really loud laugh that i make fun of all the time. It's really cute.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked getting some food out of the fridge. I point to the bowl of grapes I'm holding. "You want some?"

Tommy shakes his head and I notice he's wringing his hands like he's nervous. Tommys never nervous.

"Dude come on I'm not gonna stab you. Go sit on the sofa we can watch a film or something"

He reluctantly sits down and stares around my kitchen and sitting room.

"I love your house iris" he finally says.

I shrug "thanks. It's not very big but it's home, you know?"

"Yeah it just feels so loved." He is so observant I can see his eyes searching every corner and adding it to his memory. It's kind of fascinating in a weird way. My cat, scout jumps onto his lap and he strokes her passively clearly not present in the room.

Suddenly, He bursts out laughing.

"Stop staring at me iris you fucking weirdo" he says with a big grin on his face

"Shut the fuck up tommy. Forget what I said I'm gonna stab you." But we both just end up on the floor crying with laughter.

I finally sit down with some hot chocolates to start a film. We choose a quiet place because i told Tommy I hate scary movies and of course he has the audacity to go and choose one purely because I said that.

I relax back into my corner of the sofa with my legs stretched out. Tommy is sitting more in the middle. But as the film goes on, without realising we edge closer and closer together. I'm pretty sure it's because it's a scary film though, right?

This film is insane, every time you think everything is fine something else happens and tommy ends up basically laughing at me because I'm screaming and burning my head into a pillow so much.

He motions to put his arm over my shoulder and i accept, purely because the film is scary and I'm really tired. Fuck we haven't even built the pc yet. Oh well, i yawn and find myself drifting off.

*Tommy POV*

I notice iris' steady breathing and look down to see she's sleeping. I check the time and it's only 4:30pm why is she so tired? Oh well. I'm not complaining, she's lying in my arms after all.

Once thirty minutes pass I decide to pick her up. After being indecisive for enough time I take her upstairs to what I assume is her room and put her down in her bed.

She is so beautiful. I try not to think about it because I know tubbo likes her but I really do too. She's funny, has a great sense of style, likes similar things to me and is seriously pretty.

I realise I'm staring at her while she's sleeping and that it's creepy so instead I turn around in search of the pc. Might aswell get it started.

And so for the next couple of hours while iris slept I worked away at the pc and ended up doing a pretty good job. I moved her laptop out of the way and placed the brand new pc on her desk. It's a really good one too. I want to try it out but I'd know iris would bully me so much about it in the morning.

I hear a knock on the door downstairs and think I might as well open it. So I run down and guess who's there? Catrin. Don't get me wrong I really like her but I am just annoyed because I wanted to spend some time with iris, alone. It doesn't matter though she's asleep anyway!

"Tommy?" Catrin exclaims

"Uh hey?"

"What are you doing here?" She doesn't sound angry just slightly annoyed. I'm not sure why.

"Oh iris invited me over to help build her pc and watch a film"

Catrin looked so hurt. Shit, did I do something wrong?

"Oh, okay. Where is she now?"

"Oh she's sleeping upstairs you wanna come in?"

"Yeah for sure. We should probably wake her up otherwise she won't sleep tonight. I mean not that she does anyway" she smiles faintly

I think that's the first time I've seen Catrin smile. They don't do it very often. They have a nice smile.

"Yeah good idea"

And so we traveled upstairs into Iris' Room and I gently nudge her to try and wake her up without any luck.

Catrin smirks and says "let me try"

She leaves for a second and returns with a glass of water. Uh oh.

Catrin pours the cold water all over iris' face and i burst out laughing. Iris' face is priceless i took a picture and she glared at me angrily. Oh well, worth it.

Catrin smiles again and looks proud.

"Wake up time sleeping beauty. Tommy has been an angel and built your pc in your sleep."

"You're welcome" I butt in.


"I sense way too much sarcasm there iris I'm thoroughly offended" I laugh quietly.

"What do you expect? Ive just woken up via freezing water" she looks over at her made desk and pc and looks back at me again.

"Shit Tommy thanks so much that means a lot"

I smile so wide i feel my check might burst. So worth it.

[A/N - HI!! I feel like Catrin sounds really annoying here? It's cuz she was supposed to build the pc but tommy did it instead. Oh well. Love you guys <3 thanks for the support!]

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