Chapter 9

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*Iris POV*

Im so happy I almost forget Catrin standing there fuming. Until I remember that I was supposed to make the pc with her, not tommy. I immediately sit up but it's too late and she's already going downstairs and getting into their car.

I pushed past Tommy and ran out behind her even in the pouring rain.

"Catrin wait! Please, I'm so sorry I completely forgot I said I'd make this with you. please come back inside it's wet and cold."

"I don't care about the fucking pc iris!! Don't you see that? I don't care that we didn't make the pc together? I'm jealous! I wish that was me spending time with you instead of tommy or tubbo or whoever the fuck it is this time!" She screams at me the rain soaking her blonde hair and merging with her tears "it was always me and you. Us together, against everyone. But then two stupid guys come into the picture and you leave me, just like every other fucking person did. I love you iris! I have always loved you! Why cant you see that?!" She is violently shaking and sobbing now.

I didn't realise. I had no idea. How oblivious had I been, through everything it was so obvious. But I was so caught up in meeting tommy and tubbo that I hadn't even paid any attention to my best friend. I felt awful.

"Oh god Catrin I'm so fucking sorry. I had no idea I didn't realise I'm so so sorry." I say sincerely, I try and edge toward her and give her a hug but they pushed me away.

"No it's fine it doesn't matter anyway just forget I said it" she shoves me off of her and then gets in their car. Rolling down the window on their way.

"Oh and I got these for you" she dropped some peonies on the pavement floor. "I know they're you're favourite"

And then she drove off. Just like that. My best friend left my home and I felt like I'd just ruined everything over some stupid boys. I went upstairs and got back into bed in my wet clothes and cried. Almost forgetting the boy sitting in the corner of the room but not enough to notice when he got up and hugged me the whole night.

*catrin POV*

I felt so bad. I knew I was overreacting but I didn't know what else to do. I shouldn't have done that and I instantly regretted all of it but it's done now and i cant take it back.

I wipe my tear stained face on my jumper and continue driving through the storm. I almost didn't notice the car speeding toward me on the opposite side of the road. All I saw were it's blinding lights, all I remember is putting my hands up to shield my face, and all I could hear was the crash of metal against metal before everything went black.

*tommy POV*

Iris stormed through the door and slammed it behind her. I had heard the whole conversation and I felt so bad, had i come between this old friendship just because I have a crush? I knew deep down it wasn't really my fault and that it was something more but it still bothered me.

Iris got straight into bed and I could tell she was crying. I didn't know what to do so I got behind her and just held her while she cried until she eventually fell asleep. I knew I should get home but I didn't want to leave her by herself so instead I crept downstairs and got some food out of the fridge and turned on the tv. It was gonna be a long night.

[A/N - ok ok i know this ones rly short compared to the others but it's cuz a lot happened. Idk why I put the car crash in it wasn't part of the plan but we're gonna roll with it? Idk mayb it's catrins villain arc- HAHAHA can u tell I have no idea what im doing?!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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