chapter 7

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A/N - sorry i've been gone for ages! no one read this for like 2 months so i didn't continue but i am now! :))) if the story changes a little it's cuz i don't remember anything lmfao. oh also kind of giving up with capitals? well see?

*Iris POV*

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm that I've had for my entire life and still haven't gotten used to.

It was back to school today and it was Monday and I was really beginning to have enough. At least Catrin said that they'd help me build my PC after school today! I'd been saving up for months after being on Catrins streams a bit and becoming obsessed with streaming and gaming in general. I already have a laptop but it's so shit and practically falling apart. My mum was really nice and said she'd contribute since I finish school soon!

After about ten minutes of staring into space and checking socials I got up. I Decided not to have a shower today because i was already running late.

My outfit today was a muted green and grey tank vest thing paired with my docs and soft trousers. It was super comfortable.

The school day went relatively fast because I had all my subjects I enjoyed and tons of free periods

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The school day went relatively fast because I had all my subjects I enjoyed and tons of free periods. During lunch I decided to go out with Catrin to this cafe at the end of the road and who should we see there but Tommy and Tubbo having lunch as well.

"I should probably go say hi" I turned and said to Catrin who looked weirdly annoyed that we'd bumped into the two boys.

"Tommy, Tubbo hey!"

They both turned around and their faces were so funny I almost burst out laughing but I managed to hold it in.

Why do they always stare at me like that? Like they've never seen a girl before. Considering tommy is always boasting about all the girls he gets at college he sure is naive.

Tubbo is the first to speak while tommy stays seated still looking shell shocked.

"Woah um hey iris! We werent expecting to see you. Actually we were just talking about you and how we should meet up but I guess you're here now why don't you sit down?" He noticed Catrin behind me "you can too Catrin if you want?"

Catrin got rid of that look on her face and smiled.

"Yeah don't worry guys." She said "imma just head out maybe go back to school or something don't even worry about it"

I knew that look, I've known them most of my life of course I know that look. She's jealous. Of what? I have no idea but I decide to let her go because they hate confrontation.

I hug her goodbye and then officially say hi to tommy and tubbo and give them awkward huge hugs.

"So...what have you been up to iris?" Tommy finally speaks up after having sat there for ages.

"You know, the usual. school and shit. It's pretty boring but i'm nearly done! My art project is looking good for once as-well." I laugh and roll my eyes thinking about how shit my art always looks.

"Oh that's awesome! You should show us sometime i know id love to see it." Tommy says sincerely "it's so weird I feel like I haven't seen you in ages I've only really played bed wars with you and stuff. We should you know do something fun sometime?"

Tommy and Tubbo give each other a look and this time I can't help but laugh.

"Oh my god guys will you stop with the side glances and foot tapping it's driving me insane what the fuck is going on!!" I say jokingly but I actually want to know the answer.

There's a pause but then both of them laugh it off and carry on eating like I said a funny joke. I'll drop it for now but something weird is going on.

I check the time and half an hour has already gone past. Then I realise I actually have no more lessons today so I could just go home. I decide to invite tommy and Tubbo over.

"You know what guys you should come round now and help me build my pc! I just got a new one and have absolutely no fucking clue what I'm doing."

Tommy smiles like he's just one the lottery but tubbo frowns.

"Damn I can't today I'm so sorry" he says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. " I've gotta take my sister to this play or something. My mums making me." He says, annoyed.

"Ah don't worry tubs." Tommy slaps him on the back playfully "we'll miss you, but not too much." He winks and then gets up to pay for our food.

Something is definitely doing on. Tubbo looks like he's just watched a dog die.

"Tubbo what's going on? Are you okay?" I ask sincerely worried.

"Yeah don't worry about it iris everything's good" the look disappears from his face and he smiles. "Everything is just great!"

I sigh and say goodbye to Tubbo and slowly walk home with tommy laughing and chatting the whole way.

[A/N - I hope this was okkkkk! I have more of a plan of what to write? I think? But yeah. Do you guys want more fast paced stuff because I feel like everything's quite slow or do you like it like this? Lmk xx]

Word count: 925

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