Chapter two

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The drive was short and after literally five minutes we were at the house of this mysterious terry. (Timmy? Tory? Tellytubby? Idk)

I wasn't anxious, I didn't really get nervous when talking to new people it was only after that I started panicking and thinking that I'd made the wrong impression or thinking they hated me.

The house looked roughly the same as mine but slightly bigger. It had red bricks and a light blue front door, it was detached slightly from next doors house making it look bigger and more fancy. The windows were huge and looked like something out of the medieval times but the most beautiful thing about it was the overgrown plants and flowers climbing the house and all around. It was beautiful!

My mum walked up to the door and knocked while I stood back and waited and Ben sat on his phone. Antisocial arshole. He'd probably be on his phone this whole time and wouldn't make conversation. I wish I could do that but no, I have to be the polite and mature one. As per usual.

We heard some shouting and then the sound of footsteps as a beautiful woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes opened the door. She was wearing a floral dress and an apron, clearly having been cooking. Very 60's...

The women hugged and my brother finally put his phone away.

"And you must be Iris!" The women said to me. Her voice was gentle and kind, slightly raspy.

"That's me!" I said and laughed slightly. God I was awkward.

"And this is Ben." I said politely shoving Ben in front of me and nudged him to say hi to the nice woman.

"Lovely to meet you both your mum has told me so much about you. I'm Lisa by the way! Come in come in."

As I walked through the front door and looked around the entrance hallway I was mesmerised. It was stunning. The turquoise carpet matched the light walls perfectly and there was a gold mirror on the wall with patterns going around. The lighting was amazing, i thought.

"Tommy and his sister Hope are upstairs, and tommy brought a friend round if that's okay he's called Toby but I think most people just call him tubbo!" Lisa explained kindly.

Oh so THAT was his name, oops. Nearly got there. Hopefully they're all nice and it'll be nice for my brother to have someone to hang out with.

"Come on through" Lisa continued talking "i'll call tommy and he can give you a tour Iris as your mum has been here many times before!"

"TOOOOOMMMM" she shouted up the stairs and mouthed sorry to me. I blushed embarrassed she was screaming up the stairs for me.

"YEEESSSSS" came the reply.




Okay this was becoming unbearable I started shuffling on my feet. Finally tommy and tubbo came down before I chewed all my nails off.

I watched them come down the stairs and wow. I guessed the blonde one is Tommy and the brown haired one is tubbo since tommy looked so much like his mum.

They were both stunning. Tommy had green eyes and was wearing a red and white shirt that i swear I'd seen on Amazon like four years ago. Tubbo, unlike tommy had brown hair and brown hair and eyes and was kinda short but he was just as handsome. Tommy was looking at tubbo and chatting and clearly hadn't noticed me yet but I was clearly standing with my mouth wide open because my brother nudged me and giggled. I gave him a death glare and that's when I met Both their eyes.

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