Chapter 5

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David Scarzone I said. He came out and Cole whispered to me he has good loooks. Thats one step to our boy band. I turned to him and giggled a little. Cole said hi. My name is Cole this is Izzy, Will, Gabe, Dana, and our former band member Dalton. I looked up and said hi and then Gabe said alright then lets see what you got. He started singing and dancing and I looked at the boys and we all said yes. At the end of the audition we said that he was in and he was crying from joy. Gabe invited him to dinner with us so he could bond with us. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings. We got a booth and I sat next to David and Cole.  Sitting across from David was Dana. SItting across from me was Dalton. And sitting across from Cole was Gabe. We were all talking and eating and then David reached for my hand. I looked at him and asked him what he was doing. He said he wanted to hold my hand. I asked why and he said that I was sexy. I got all red and then sort of smiled at him. I looked at Cole and whispered at him to go to the bathroom because I had to tell him what just happened. He looked confused and I just pushed him. I took him by the wrist and sort of ran. When we got to the bathroom he asked what was going on. I whispered screamed that David was hitting on me and he asked how. I said that he tryed to hold my hand and then he called me sexy. He was like ok and.... I slapped his arm and said "Ok'' thats your reaction. We have known this guy for 4 hours and he is hitting on me. Ok what do you want me to do Cole said. I dont know. I needed to tell someone and you and Dalton are my closest friends so I told you. Ok well if I cach him doing it again I will say something. K thanks I said. We went back to the table and finished eating.  When we were going home Gabe dropped me off at my house and I said by to all the boys. I looked at David and he winked at me. I just ignored it and walked to my front step. I opened the door and waved at the boys to tell them I was ok. I went to my room and put on my pj's and then got out my phone. I started texting Dalton. 

Me: Dalton I have a problem. 

Dalton: whats wrong

Me: ok so its the new guy David. 

Dalton: whats wrong with him. 

Dalton: Did he ask to have sex with you bc if he did I'll kill him

Me: No calm down.... dont get your panties in a twist

Dalton: Ok good but what happened

Me: He was hitting on me during dinner and I dont know what to do about it

Me: also he winked at me in the car as I was getting out

Dalton: Just explain to him tomorrow that you dont like him. 

Me: K thanks Dalton ur the best

Dalton: Ik jk thanks 

Dalton: Igtg c u tomorrow 

Dalton: Love you 

Me: Love you 2 bye 

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