Chapter 11

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It has been two months since I have seen Dalton. Everytime I ask him to go somewhere with me and the band he says he dosen't feel good or he dosen't want to come. I don't know what's up with him lately. I miss Dalton a lot. I took out mine phone and started texting Dalton.

Me: Hey dalton I haven't seen you in forever how are you.

Dalton didn't answer me when I texted him. I was starting to get worried so I texted Gabe

Me: Have you talked to Dalton lately he's not answering my texts

Gabe: no sorry 

I was really upset and I wanted to see if dalton was ok so I grabbed my pennyboard and rode to his house. I knocked on his house door and his mom answered. Hi Izzy she said with a smile. Hello Mrs. Rapattoni, is Dalton here. Yea he's in his room if you want to go up. Ok thanks. I ran up to Dalton's room. Dalton? I said knocking on his door. Come in he said. He was sitting on his bed reading comic books. Why haven't you answered any of my texts or hung out with us. I didn't feel welcome so I didn't want to hang out with you guys. Are you kidding me Dalton, you are the one who quit the band. No one kicked you out, no one hated you, you left on your own, that's your fault. What did you expect from the other guys. Did you want them to ignore David and not be friends with him. I pratically screamed at him. No he screamed back I thought you guys were going to be better friends to me and acctually hang out with me. Are you kiddine me dalton I have been asking you to come hang out with us for months but you don't want to. Whatever Izzy. You are always right anyways he said to me. You know what Dalton you have been a jerk and I don't want to be friends with jerks. Bye Dalton nice talking to you jerk. Get you he screamed. I hate you I screamed at him. GET OUT!!! he screamed on the top of his lungs. I grabbed my board and left his house crying. I have never had a fight with Dalton, or any of the guys. I didn't want to go home because it was to far. So I rode to Cole's house. He answered the door and pulled me in right away. I was still crying and being in Cole's arms made me feel a lot better. What happened babe. he asked. Me (sob) and (sob) Dalton (sob) got (sob) into (sob) a fight (sob). Awww what happened why were you fighting. After I calmed down I told him. He was suprised on Dalton's actions. Normally Dalton has more patineces with people Cole said. I don't know whats been up with Dalton lately I said. It's fine just forget it he said. Hey i said, guess when our one year anaversey is. Three days he said, see I don't forget things, most of the time at least. I forgot to tell you he said, Todrick Hall invited the band and one other person to stay with him in his house in LA. Omg really that's awesome I said hugging him. He said we could bring one other person and me and the band have decided that we were going to bring you with us to LA. OMG YES I WANT TO COME WITH YOU GUYS. Cool he said we leave in a week. Awesome. I said. Me and Cole watched a movie and I fell asleep on him. We both slept on the couch huddled under a blanket. 

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