Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and totally forgot that I fell asleep on the couch. I realized after 5 minutes that Dalton and David where over last night and that I fell asleep watching Dancemoms. I realized that today was the day Cole came home from the hospital. I was so excited to see him. I got a text from Dalton. 

Dalton: Hey sunshine :) Cole is at my house with the rest of the boys if you want to come over. 

Me: Hi Mr. Flirty I'll be over in a few I have to shower.

Dalton: Ok please hurry, Cole really wants to see u

Me: K

I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I put on my jean shorts and a shirt that said IM5. I grabbed my black beanie and my penny board and road to Daltons house. When I got to his house the door was unlocked so I just walked in. I saw Cole sitting on Daltons couch with a giant green cast on his leg. I walked over to him and hugged him. I started crying and Dalton was hugging me. Dana came over and started rubbing my back. Cole asked what was wrong and I said that it was hard to see my best friend in such a trouble and that I was so relieved he was ok. He opened his arms like he was asking for a hug. I hugged him and I felt so much better. 

After a couple of weeks Cole got his cast off and was walking fine. I started a group chat with all six of the guys.

Me: Ok so today is the first day of the carnival who wants to come with me?

Cole: I do lets do this thing

Dalton: Yea buddy lets go 

Gabe: Sure I want to go

Will: Sure

Dana: of couse I want to go

David: sure

Me: It starts at 3 

Me: it is 1 now so i will come around 2 to make sure you guys are getting ready. 

Cole: k see you then 

I got to Coles house where the guys were playing x-box in the living room. I said my hello's and realized they werent dressed. GUYS YOUR NOT DRESSED YET WHAT THE HELL GO GET READY. I screamed. sorry we didnt realize what time it was.Omfg really. Go get ready. They all got ready without me having to scream at them for making me see them shirtless. We got in the car and was off to the carnival. 

Authors Note: Hey guys sorry if my chapters are really short. I am typing on my computer so it looks long to me but probably isn't soory again. Stay sweet and Live life to the fullest. Love you guys


Lets Not Tell Them an IM5 Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now