Part 4, Hospital.

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Kaileigh's POV:

The nurse walks in and checks me over testing my vision and hearing. Everything's fine and normal. I look around the room and notice Deans gone. I start panicking.

Me; D Dean.

I start thrashing round panicking fearing that I'm alone again.

Me: Dean.

He burst through the curtain straight to my side.

Dean: Kaileigh. Are you okay?

I shake my head. Bursting into tears.

Me: I thought you left me. Where is everyone?

His eyes widen.
Dean: I'd never leave you alone again, you're never going to be alone again. We are going to be 24 hours a day I promise.

Me: Dean, where's the others, where's my mum and dad?

He looks at me sadness in his eyes.
Dean: they're on there way now.

I nod.

Me: can you hold me please until they get here?
He looks at me unsure.

He sighs but gives in, laying on the bed slightly, with his arm under my head. I cuddle into him. A while after. My parents arrive with the guys. They look at us.

Me: before you say anything I begged him because I felt uncomfortable and I just wanted to be held right now.

They all nod. Roman, Seth and Braun smirk at Dean. Shrugging their eyebrows. I smirk a little. My mum and dad walk over to the side of my bed. I try to sit-up a little bit. Dean climbs off and sit the bed up for me slightly, a nurse comes in and changes my IV drip.

The nurse: can I help you with anything else?

I look at her and nod slightly.

Me: I need the bathroom.

I'm still in my green tracksuit bottoms. And the nurse comes over a walking aid. She pulls my legs to the side of the bed and rests the walking aid in front of my legs. I grab onto it slightly trying to hoist myself up to stand up and I scream in pain as it burns, and sit back down. My mum rushes over to help. She rubs my back. Tears burst down my face. I try walking, it's so excruciatingly painful. I've got my joggers on and my gown over the top of me, so at the back everyone can see my bra straps.

I finally manage to walk to the bathroom, Braun follows and stands guard at the door, my mum helps me with the bathroom as I can't do it myself. Seth Roman and Dean talks amongst themselves outside my room with my dad. Once I've finished I wash my hands and Braun opens the door, mum stands at the side helping me walk and Braun stands behind me helping me just in case I fall. Which I do I fall to my knees. I yell. Braun picks me up. Carrying me back to bed careful not to pull my stitches.

My dad come over.

Shane: sweetheart I want you to listen to me okay. The nurse spoke to us and told us that you can be discharged today because you were able to walk somewhat. But, the only thing is, I'm going to be having Seth and Braun help me out, be my guards for a while. So Dean and Roman will be with you at all times.

Me: dad, don't you think it's fair that you allow Roman to at least go home and spend a day with his family. After all of this he deserves a break to go home. They all do. But once you're finished with Seth and Braun, let them go home to their families too. Please and even send Dean home to be with his family and just get 4 different guards in to watch me whilst they take a break.

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