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Deans POV:

Although today is the day of the Gala, I decide to leave my room and I head to the office to speak to Shane. I knock on the door and he invites me in.

Shane: So Dean, I take it you've come to speak to me about quitting your job because of an argument with Kaileigh? I think that's fair enough to be honest with you. I could see how close you guys were become and I won't allow it for her safety.

I nod my head in agreement.
Me: Yes, Sir.

He sighs.
Shane: if this is really want you want to do. Then You're fired.

Kaileigh runs into the room drunk still. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Kaileigh: if you fire him, I promise you. I will go out and do the most reckless shit. I promise you.  I will drink until I'm dead. You cannot do this to me, I don't care whether Dean wants to leave, because of our argument. I won't allow it. Why in hell would you think that because I want to pursue a relationship with him that he would protect me any different. In fact he'd protect me more. Yes there'd be feelings there, but he's still amazing at his job. He sat there with me every single night in hospital, he looked after me when I was drunk, he shows me what being caring is. If you get rid of him I'll hand myself over to the mafia, I won't follow your rules and I won't be having an arranged marriage. Do you understand me?!

Shane looks down.

Shane: Kaileigh this was his idea, he warned you he was going to do this. I understand that you believe he'd protect you more if you were to pursue a relationship together but I don't think it'd work out like that. You have both got feelings for each other it's obvious and I don't want that getting in the way of the work I set out for him I don't want him losing pay because of you! If I tell him to do something I expect him to do it when and how I tell him to do it. I want all four bodyguards protecting you, 1 outside your door and 1 at each end of the corridor, and 1 in your room at night. But that won't happen with all of this less shenanigans going on. If there is any intimacy going on, I don't want the guys hearing what you two may or may not be doing in your room. It's not respectful.

Me: you know what dad! I'm old enough to make my own decisions. You can't keep a lead on me whenever I want to do something! I don't expect them to stand there at all times. Outside my door whenever I want some privacy. If you still refuse him to keep his job and pursue a relationship with me, you and I are done, I'll disown you, I'll join the other mafias putting myself at more risk and it'll all fall on you. The man who couldn't protect his own flesh and blood

He stands up.

Me; oh and by the way I'm going to a party. Fuck the gala.

I run to my room shutting the door and locking it, the guys banging on the door.
I text the girls, telling them I'm planning on sneaking out. I crack open my window, and the door comes flying open, and the guys pull me away from the window.

Me; I'm not going to that stupid Gala.

They guys sigh and shake their heads.

Braun: yes you are ma'am. It's your fathers orders. If you don't go we get it in the neck.

I roll my eyes.

Seth: come on Kaileigh it won't be for that long. It'll be fine.

I sigh.

Me: fine. But I've had enough of this shit.

We get dressed up for the gala. We head downstairs and mum and dad are dressed up they look gorgeous. We head out, and there are more security than I imagined. We arrive at our location and dad and mom have family and friends from all over the world and the hall is crowded. My anxiety kicks in. Dad makes his speech and talks about the other mafias and business and stuff. Roman, Braun, Seth and Dean are all on guard making sure nothing goes wrong and are ready for a fight. They each stand at a corner of the hall and all have mics and earpieces attached to them.
I look round and round in circles, and my heart rate goes higher and higher.

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