Part 5 Horrible nightmare. TW SELF HARM

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Kaileigh's dream:

We arrive at Starbucks and the guys are in front of me grabbing my order because my dad told them literally everything about me. Then all of a sudden a hand is over my mouth dragging me out and throwing me in the car knocking me unconscious blindfolded. I wake up tied to a pole, they've taken my blindfold off and I see , Kane , undertaker, Steve Austin and someone else I don't recognise. They pick me up and throw me on a surgical table, restraining me with restraint cuffs. They make tells me about the whole deal with my dad and then gets a scalpel and cuts my top off and starts slicing into my chest. And then Steve Austin grabs a blow torch.
"end of dream"

I wake up from the dream sweating and screaming and crying. Dean immediately runs into my room in a grey pair of joggers and a tank top. He runs over and sit on my bed, I'm stuck in a trance staring at the wall hyperventilating. crying uncontrollably.
Dean pulls me into his chest and I just break down crying.

Dean: shh shh shh you're alright I've got you, you're safe. I promise you, I'm here.

He brushes the back of my hair with his hand and kisses my head rocking us back and forth.
Dean: do you wanna tell me what happened?

I look up at him,

Me: I had a bad dream that they're kidnapped me, it's Deja vu the same events that happened earlier in my dream. It's killing me. I don't want to suffer anymore.

He looks down at me.

Dean: Kaileigh you've got me I'm never leaving. There other bodyguards arrived earlier on whilst you were sleeping. Nobody can get in or out without them seeing. Those guys are dead they won't be coming to get you.

I look up at him before getting out of bed to grab tissue and I look in the mirror. I look at the cuts and wounds on my chest and stomach. I burst out crying even harder.

Me: I'm so fucking ugly! Look at this! My chest and my stomach are fucking ugly. I don't want to live looking like this.

Dean storms into the bathroom standing behind me.

Dean: Don't you EVER say that again do you understand me? You're fucking gorgeous you are perfect, your smile and laugh, and your attitude everything about you is perfect Kaileigh.

I cover my chest and my stomach only for Dean to grab them and take them off wrapping them around him. I rest my head on his chest.
His breathing calming me down.  I take my head off his chest and he kisses my forehead and my cheeks.

Dean: come on let's get you back to bed.
I nod he grabs my hand, guiding me back to bed.

Me: Dean, can you possibly stay with me?

He looks at me.
Dean: hold on let me go check with your dad because he will kick my ass and your ass otherwise then I'll have to kick his ass.

I laugh.

Deans POV:

I head downstairs to Shane's office and tap on the door. He's sat there doing paperwork.

Me: You're up late sir.

He looks at me and chuckles.

Shane: a lot of paperwork to be doing, the undertakers mafia are striving and they won't stop until they find Kaileigh. I'll do everything to keep her safe even if it means risking my life to protect hers.

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