Part 8 HE's AWAKE.

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Braun's POV:

Whilst Kaileigh's asleep she always had deans jacket on. And about an hour or so later, Deans eyes flutter open.

Me: hey man.
I whisper:

He looks over to me.

Dean: hey man, where's Kaileigh?

I move over out of the way so he can see Kaileigh sleeping on the bed beside him.
He smiles to himself. But his eyes widen.

Dean: She's got a bandage around her arm, what happened?!

I sigh.

Me: When we were ambushed at the gala. You shot a few people dead I attacked people Roman and Seth did the same. You got shot and then Kaileigh got shot too. Roman got his knife and burnt it, and then cut Kaileigh's arm and dug his fingers in to pull the bullet out  and she screamed the place down. But Seth distracted her by telling her you needed her, and she was fine but she's got a tight grip on her man, my hand went red and purple. And then she passed out and had surgery to repair the muscle in her arm. And you died once and they brought you back and here we are. She was lost without you man. Kaileigh demanded Roman and Seth go home and get some rest.

Dean : s she got shot because of me. It's my fault. We were supposed to protect her. I was stood right there in front of her. I'm such an idiot.

I walk over to him.

Me: No, don't you dare blame yourself for this you did everything you could, Kaileigh said the exact same thing earlier to. She was blaming herself for you being shot. She said if something happened to you she wouldn't know what to do with herself.

His eyes widen as tears well up.

Dean: no! W what? How could she say that? It's our job to protect her. I couldn't even do that properly.

I look at him and look at Kaileigh.

Me: She wouldn't stop talking to you man.

He smiles to himself twiddling his Thumbs.

Dean: she's got my jacket on, and I heard her I heard every word. I wanted to wake up and hug her and let her know everything was okay but I couldn't all I could do was squeeze her hand.

I smile and chuckle.

It's now 13:45PM and Kaileigh wakes up because the someone's alarm went off next door. She struggles to sit up because of the pain in her Arm. I go over and help her, she zips up deans jacket feeling cold. She looks over at Dean.

Kaileigh: DEAN! You're awake.

He looks over to her and smiles.

Dean: hey beautiful. Are you okay?

She smiles.

Kaileigh: no my arm hurts. Are you okay?

Deans POV:

I chuckle to myself when Kaileigh asks if I'm okay. She's so adorable.

Me: I'm okay, but my rib and my shoulder hurts like crazy.

The nurse walks in, and checks deans wounds.

The nurse says, if I can walk I can be discharge today.

She sits my bed up, and I slide my legs over to the side. I rest my hands either side of me. I take a deep breath before standing up, the pain not being that bad but still pretty painful.
I take a deep breath. And walk. I can manage but it's still painful and I'll need help to get up and down the stairs.

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