Drunk at the beach :P

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Through the veil of intoxication over my eyes.....

I see hazy clouds in the sky,

like snow-topped carriages, rolling by...

Heading to wherever their destiny lies....

I look down at the goblet in my hand,

and all around myself are waves and sand...

The water kisses my feet,

And heaven frowns upon my sprawled, sorry state....

I have lost, the sun agreed,

for he too in anger increased the heat....

Now, pray u tell me what Im doing here?

Boozing at the beach, Its all so clear...

But do u see the broken sandcastle a little afar?

Same story shares my heart...

I built not with sand but with my dreams....

and a jar of love full to the brim,

But they crushed my little haven ruthlessly so...

Now tell me have I a place to go..?

I drown in wine with a desire to drown in sea!!

But I am scared, would you like to accompany?

Maybe thats asking too much,

But do stay for a chat,

And you must not think of me as a hopeless brat...

I havent yet told you my entire story...

Didnt even offer you a drink, 'm so sorry!

But Pardon my manners, Im a bit tipsy as you can see....

But u too have a sip, lets get drunk at the beach....



Hello folks, I don't quite remember why I wrote this but if you sorta liked this do vote.... And do comment what you think of it, good or bad all comments are appreciated but no bashing please..



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