Nothing actually

27 6 6

Holding onto the strings of nothingness,

pulling too tight, afraid to let loose,

fear of rejection, of shattered pride

and those of egos bruised.

deeper and deeper hidden behind masks of facade..

protected by walls abstruse.

listen to the calling of wind,

the sound which provides solace

look up to azure sky,

cottony clouds rolling by

time of dusk it all turns dark

and darker still

as night creeps in...

stare the ebony canvas and astral designs,

string up a melody

and pull up some wine

let it dissolve in your blood

let the walls crumble down

rediscover your soul in a new light

not by the glaring sun but the starry twilight...

pull out your mask

as at this time spirits are known to fly

bare yourself you cannot hide

they have been blessed with divine sights.

let go off the reins

let it loose

do not torment your soul

the figments of your past,

set them free, pay heed

fate plays the cards,

you're not the one to choose

Close your eyes, welcome sleep

let the night fly away

bringing in a new day....


****The end****

I think as an amateur writer/poet/artist whatever, the worst experience in this initial phase is when I cant understand my own creation... This one was undoubtedly very personal perhaps at one of my weakest moments, once upon a time. but now it feels foreign, maybe because that time I hadn't assembled thoughts I had simply let it flow...

But if touches you, please tell me why?



From Heart To Heart (my poem collection)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum