Poem: MOTHER and A/N

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Thank U Guyss... Thank u so so much, I've got over 150 reads in such a short time, its a really good motivation for a beginner and I would hope u people keep up the support, please, please do leave comments, Though your votes and reads are really appreciated your opinion is what strikes gold. If you genuinely liked my work please share, tell a friend, perhaps they'd be interested in poetry too.

With that being said, I wish all of u people a very Happy Mothers day, I'm incredibly lucky and thankful to have a mother like mine, and I'm sure, everyone of u feels the same way...

So this one below is dedicated to all the mothers in the world, it doesn't matter if you're there with us physically or not Ma, we know that you love us and your prayers are always there with us. We really appreciate you in every in every way, though some of us are not really expressive but I'm sure you still get to know what's going through our minds...

Okay, since I got really emotional here and I need a few minutes to compose myself, please scroll down for the poem.

Its midnight,
Yet she's singing lullabies,
And fanning her child,
In the summer heat, as he sleeps.

however weary,
she will awaken before sunrise,
And rush over to pacify,
her baby when he cries,

She will forsake her desires,
to provide his toys
And will tend to his cuts
After the scuffles with neighborhood boys,

Angry by his mischiefs,
She will scold him so
But she'll be the first,
To listen and to relieve his woes...

She will be the truest of his friends
And be deadly to his foes,
His inside out,
No one better than her knows.

No matter how much of a trouble
How much of a bother,
No one will be as forgiving, as patient,
As your loving mother...-

And when he'll be grown,
Just like the rest,
He will fly into his world
Leaving her nest,
but you will see her smiling
Proud at his success
And very skillfully she'll hide
The lingering emptiness in her chest...

Far and abroad wherever you go,
Nowhere will feel as comforting as home..
And try but you'll not find,
like her, one other,
She's simply the best..
Your darling mother..


Dedicated to every mother and everyone's mother!!

P.s to all those people whose parents have deceased, plz don't be sad, pray for them to be fine wherever they are, they are watching over u and they want u to be happy, I recently lost my aunt and she was like a second mother to me, I miss her every waking minute of the day,.. I understand how losing somebody so important feels... But stay strong, improve your life in such a way that when they see you from above, their souls find peace, their child is happy

(Sorry if I said a bit too much couldn't restrain myself :|)

Thank u,




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