Six - Arrow

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I am captivated by her. Completely and utterly captivated. Its obvious she is beautiful. Her eyes are so intriguing, in some lights they are green and in others they look blue. She makes me feel something I haven't felt in awhile, at peace. How could I trust her though? I've only just met her? But something about her told me I could. Something invited me in, made me feel welcome and at ease. I shouldn't let my guard down with people, but maybe just this once it's okay.

I looked away but could feel her eyes still on me. Like she was searching and scrambling around in my brain as if trying to know more about me. I looked back up at her and smiled. She smiled back, a tiny little dimple appearing on her right cheek.

At that moment Atlas came in the room and made things weird. I looked away and tried to find something to say to not make an awkward silence. "I - uh. Is the tea nice?" I said, trying to distract from the awkwardness in the room.
"Uh, Yeah. Yeah, The tea is great thanks. I drink it really hot." She sounded so sweet.

A sudden ringing went off in my ear. Light flashing red from the sensors above me. Atlas was meowing, loud. "What is going on?" Nova asked.
"I don't know. Somethings wrong with Pluto." I rushed off into the cockpit to see what was going on.

I looked out the window and say massive chucks of rock headed our way. I sat down and took control of Pluto. Asteroids. Space was covered with them. There was no way out. Well, that's what any normal pilot would say. "Nova!" I needed her to help me with controls. I had no idea if she could fly a ship or not but I needed help. I thought I was out of the way of the asteroids but i hadn't checked the forecast in so long that it was possible they could've came onto our track and I wouldn't have known.

"Nova I need you to come in here! I can't do this alone!"
She came into the cockpit with Atlas in her arms. She sat him down and he ran under my chair for safety. "Do you know how to control a ship?"
"I - uh, I learned in flight class but;"
"Good! Okay that's enough. I need you to dispatch the emergency fuel tank."

"Got it." She clicked the correct buttons so quickly, like she'd done it before. She was probably just a nerd in class. "What else?" She said, eager to help as much as she could.
"I need to focus on everything on making the ship as agile as possible. Turn on the lights so we have more vision." She turned on all the exterior lights and just in time. An asteroid came hurtling towards us at what seemed a million miles per hour.

I took a hard swerve and could hear things falling. Nova looked back. "It's fine!" I shout over the alarms. "Leave my stuff."
"We need to land" Nova said.
"You don't think I know? I just don't know anywhere."

"I do!" She shouted. She placed her hands over mine on the wheel and took control.
"What do you think your doing? This is my ship, I steer."
"Unless you wanna steer us into one of those asteroids, move." Her voice was feisty and I swear I saw her eyes flash amber, like fire.  I did what she said and moved. I didn't know why, nobody else had ever steered my ship before. Why did I let her? She sat down in my seat and started going up as fast as she could.

"Be careful!" I didn't trust her. She was silent. Concentrating, hard. She didn't reply she just focused on what was in front of her. We were rocketing upwards as fast as we could. If she had never flown before, she sure as hell was making her first time look easy. I had no clue where we were going, just up. I saw her lips moving as she said something to me but i couldn't hear over all the noise. The alarms were going off and the engine was so loud. the asteroids were crashing into each other causing the ship to rock with the impact and pressure. I grabbed Atlas and held him close to my chest to comfort us both. "Where are you going?" I screamed over all the noise. I didn't know whether she could hear me or not. She was dodging asteroids possibly better than what I could've.

My ears were pulsing and my heart was beating out of my chest. My vision went blurry but out of the corner of my eye I saw land. A planet. But a glimpse was all I got. The impact came from the side. All I heard was a high pitched ringing. I threw myself over Atlas to protect him and grabbed Nova by the side and scooped her into a hug. I kept my body over them to protect them from the crash. Something hard hit my back. It was solid, like rock. I could feel my eyes closing, I could feel myself falling out of consciousness. A fog came over my brain. I held onto Nova and Atlas for as long as I could, not letting them go. Then there was nothing.

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