11 years later ( chapter 1 )

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Opening the later he wrote 11 years ago miles smiled. Hope here I come. My Welcome to the Salvatore school, Alaric said. This is nice, where's Hope? You know about Hope? Yeah technically I was made to counter act her. Oh Kay, he said confused. Rushing into the school he saw few people. Where's everyone else? Where recruiting at the moment... Yes we are, right this way please. Tribrid like me, the names Miles. No I'm the only tribrid, Hope told him. Okay let's take the test then, Alaric said trying to relive the tension in the room. Strength, he lifts up doctor Saltzman with one hand. Strength test passed. Sp- He rushed passed her. Super healing, he began to grow claws and cut himself. In 2 seconds, that's a new one! Miles stayed quiet. You still haven't proved your a tribrid, Hope said in a non believing tone. Yeah I guess your right. Touching her arm he siphoned her. This can't be, I'm supposed to be the only one, she said in her head. Graaaaaaagh, his hearing zoomed in on a roar heading this way. Miles began to run off as he heard more screams during the process. Pushing A random he saved him. Rushing through the hallways he saw Hope was already there. Hope run I got this. I can take care of myself. Do you have full access to your powers? Exactly you don't! Jumping off the the stair way Miles made everyone stare. Rushing on all fours he punched the monster in the throat. Feeding him his blood he turned him. What did you do, Hope screamed in shock. Un-human things can't survive transition, you should read Klaus's book. Klaus, my dad has a boo-. Incendia, he set the monster on fire. I don't lie, first day of the school and I killed a monster! Penelope was right! As in Penelope park, Hope asked. Yeah, the hot one with the short hair, I couldn't shoot my shot she was stuck on a girl named Josie I think... From what I heard she has a bitchy twin, Lizzie or something. Yep that's Penelope, Josie said as she walked down the stairs. Miles heart skipped a beat when he saw how beautiful she was. Hope whispered to him. "She's takened by flinch". Staring he said nothing. Is he ok, Josie said awkwardly. Yes I am I don't get star struck, not by beauty. Your too kind. I'm not kind I don't lie either. Oh Kay, this is weird so I'll go now. Hope grabbed him and rushed him in the ladies bathroom. What's your deal?!?! Why are you here, Hope yelled to him. I want to meet my kind. She grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. YOUR NOT MY KIND, I'M NOT LIKE YOU! You know, I thought this would be different... I literally just got here and I'm being criticized by you, Miles bluntly stated. A loner who risked everyone's life for a guy! You can't judge me for making you un-special I was born like this! He grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall he was on. I've been told I don't belong thousands of times, raped by your father nemesis, and tortured there's nothing you can do to make me leave. His pupils turned red as his eye balls turned black with veins rushing to them. You can't change my mind so don't try Hope, he said pissed off. Good talk Hope, letting her go he walked pass Josie. What was that Hope? The truth, she pulled out the orb. Looks like he doesn't lie... Hello, Hope are you going to stop him and apologize? Why should I? Because he is the last one of your kind, and he is stronger than you. No he Isn't. He stopped a 500 pound 7 foot monster with his literal blood and hands. He's like a gladiator to your broken heart it doesn't match. You two where bad for each other, he was always gone and you was here. I don't trust him, Hope ignored her and snapped his neck.

Vas motos lacus, Miles disappeared to somewhere he never thought he would go. Knocking on someone's door they answered. Excuse me can I use your phone? Sure come in it's raining! Babe who is it at the door. His eyes began to water up. Dad.... Excuse me? Your my father, 16 years ago you made a deal became human for a day and slept with a witch and made me. The only living second Tribrid. Your lying! Am I really? He woke up from his dream. They snapped me. Didn't go as I wanted it too. Your up. No I'm dead, Miles said sarcastically. You got into my head... I wonder why, he questioned. I had to see if you were lying. I don't lie. How am I supposed to trust you, Hope asked her counterpart. I don't know how bout you just try it, he said sarcastically. Because people related to my family always leave's with flames behind them, so why would I trust you? Because I can kill you right here, right now, I saved you from a 7 foot monster, I been honest with you, and I'm still being honest. I'm sitting in this cellar without even trying to break out. Your lying you can't your full of vervain, She said idiotic. I've been taking vervain since I found out what it was. Prove it! Grabbing the cellar door bars he began to bend the pipes. Walking up to her, she was scared and backed into a wall. Your skin is fairly beautiful, he said honestly. Th-thanks. Hey Hope Dr. Saltzman just refilled the vervain if y-. Miles is that you, Kaleb sounded like he knew the dangerous man. Yooooo! You still play? I do a lil sum sum, Miles said. Well the games coming up y- you wanna join? Wait why are you here? Turns out your friend Miles is a tribrid, Hope said. Natural born, said adding on to her statement. So he's your brother? More like he's my newphew, Hope said. Adoptive, Miles responded. Her dad took my son of a bitch father in, raised him, turned him, and built him to lead New Orleans the city of demons. Now how bout that game! He rushed to the front of the school with his vamp speed. That's your newphew, Kaleb asked. Supposedly, yeah. Well ima head to the field you should come watch, Landons out there. Where not together. That does mean you can't support him, kaleb left leaving Hope to think. Okay, this game is gonna be better than our last! Yeah alright, a timber wolf said. Bet that up, Miles said quietly. Hnhnhn! No trash talk? We don't trash talk, it makes you weak and cocky. Go! With the ball in hand Miles proceeds to run leaving everyone behind including his teammates. Making a touchdown that instantly gained the school a dub. Minutes after they won. Yeaaah! Everyone was celebrating but Miles was laying down. Anxiety killing me I just wanna leave earth, he sung to himself. Hearing a knock on the door he said come in. Hey, I just wanted to apologize to you. You care for what? Like you said, your the only one of my kind. Landon, how's he, he said throwing her off subject. You know it's fine to be cool with being alone, but it's not when you push people away. I've been alone my entire life what's the difference now? You have someone to share your experience with. Can I sit? This used to be my friends room you know.  Looking so deep in your eyes I can read your thoughts. Your scared of being hurt, Hope said. I'm a monster, we don't get hurt. All monsters aren't monsters Miles, just misunderstood. Why are you trying to understand me Hope?Can I take you somewhere, Hope asked. Where? Just trust me. She jumped out his window. Fallowing her he did the same. Why didn't we just go out the front door? Because we don't want people to fallow us. Your fast, she turned her head and saw he wasn't there. Understatement... Ever turned before? Into? A wolf? Wolf blood, is what it's called you know, and yes. I have complete control of it, it's weird. How? Okay watch. He began to grow sideburns with large fangs and claws. Woah, that's so cool you have to teach me that. Over my dead body. Get in, she told him. Where are we going? To New York. What do yo-, he was shot with a 2x stronger version of vervain and wolfsbane. Entering his dream he saw a tall white man. No, stop it! Boy, ima ask you one more time, where's my money. I don't know please stop yelling! Picking up the belt he wrapped him with it. STOOOOOP! AHHHHH! Waking up he was lost. Where am I? Where going to see if your daddy knows you. No! We can't go there! Yes we can! No, no, no! Waking up out of his dream he was actually in New York. Why are we here? Because I want you to see the big city, actually I want you to meet Marcellus. He won't know who you are, he could think your my boyfriend. That would be very messy. I don't wanna do it. To late we're here. Getting out the car they sat down in the dining area. Hope, Rebekah shouted. Hey auntie! Who's this guy with you, he's so handsome. I'm her boyfriend, he said. You said we were meeting him. He's your dad not a him, they whispered to each other. Where Marcel? He's coming, do what's your name? Miles Gerad, I was named after my grandfather, he was a king in Africa. I wish I could've met him, she lied. What was his name? And I have this one ancestor his name was Marcellus Gerad who was stolen out of slavery by the strange family and he became rich in New Orleans and became a dead beat dad. It's really not interesting. So what did I miss, Marcel said. Looking up into Marcellus eyes Miles heart became hateful. Listening to his heart beat Marcel told Rebekah he seems angry. So who's this person I've never heard of. Marcellus, your named after my ancestor. Interesting way to start a conversation don't you think, Miles, Hope said. Hope this man has been gone all my life how am I supposed to act, he whispered to her. Is that a serious question, she whispered back. Yes duh. So Miles, where do you come from? Wouldn't you like to know? I was born in New Orleans! Me too, you seem angry are you sure you want to be here? Do you have children? He asked them. No. How do you know though, New Orleans is the city of throwing that ass and you haven't been single all your life. Hope spat out her sprite. Really hope this is the guy's you like? Waking Out his trans he went into another. Your pretty quiet Miles. Sorry I was just thinking about the last time I've been here. You lived here before? Yeah it was years ago. My foster parents took me here before they, never mind. What is it? They basically sexually assaulted me, but It's really fine I'm cool now. They began to feel bad. You guys should feel bad for me it's really my real parents fault I guess. To be honnest the only way I could make my money is sell drugs in New Orleans, joined a gang, but then payed my way out, and now I'm finishing school at the Salvatore school. Your supernatural? Yeah I'm a tribrid. They spat out there water. How? Well ask the man sitting next to you. Should've never slept with that witch or made the deal with her dad. Marcel was shocked. Trying to compel Miles to see if he was lying it didn't work. I'm still a warlock and wolf father. His pupils went bright red and his eye balls went black. Your lucky people are around here if the weren't I would kill you were you stand. Hope was shocked. Miles stop it! Waking up again officially, they all where laughing. It was nice to meet you me Marcellus. You too. Oh and Rebekah I brought you something. He pulled out a diamond ring. Oh my god is beautiful! I thought since I was meeting my girls aunt why not bring her something special you know. How much did it cost? Nothing, I actually found a large diamond when I was 13 I just never sold the products I made out of them. Thank you. She hugged him as they left and so did him and Hope. So adoptive newphew, she jokingly said. Where to next. Through these past minutes I've noticed how I'm full of vengeance... We could go to a hotel then back to school, he said changing the convo. I was out for 8 hours huh? A new dose of vervain I made with some herbs. Wouldn't that kill you? Yeah, if I was a vampire. You are though, just not activated. How did you become one? Gun shot to the head. Her eyes opened wide. Just kidding, I was decapitated by a ripper. It's a live by the vampire die by it situation, but vice versa you know. So basically die by one live like one, he said while Hope was driving. Sticking his body out the window he began to look at the lights. What are you doing, Hope asked. What it looks like? I'm having fun, you should try it! Stoping at the red light he saw girls. What's your name, they asked him. Miles, yours? Jennifer! I wasn't talking to you, the darker one in the seat next to you. You like chocolate, love? Yeah, the girl responded. Me too, what's your number? She gave him the number and he gave it to Hope. Me and my friend's going to a party you  should come. Sure why not. Hope sped off. Damn! You almost made me fall! Well you should have never been flirting! Jealous much? Of those girls of course not. Grabbing her number from Hope he programmed it into his phone. I wanna watch a Disney movie now yaknow. Oh my god can you stop talking? Your jealous you have no one, he jokingly said. Or you like me. Turning her head to him and cursed him out when he noticed a bomb. Oh no, hunters! Grabbing Hope he rushed her out the car but it was too late a giant piece of glass shot through there body, killing Hope and making Miles the survivor or....is he?

The mikealson reject: Marcellus bastardWhere stories live. Discover now