Life after it struct

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Hope, it's me Miles. Stay awake. You idiots she's mortal! Incendia! He burned all them alive with no trace of security cameras. Biting himself he gave Hope his blood to heal her but it was too late. Minutes pass as he drove to a hospital. Where is she, Marcellus yelled. You did this! He grabbed Miles and through him in a newyork ally. Choaking him Marcellus vampire veins started coming out. Seem's my suspicions were right! Punching Marcel in the liver he fell down. I came here to meet my father, you dumbass. I'm not your father! Are you not? 16 years ago you became human for a day to see what it feels like right, you had sex with the same witch right! She didn't tell you the down side did she. If you have a child it would be a natural born hybrid, or tribrid depends on who you mate with! And you did it you sick freak! Because I was your son everyone wanted a piece of the 16 year old! I was raped by your enemies! My enemies raped you, Marcel said with worry and confusion in his voice. YES THANK GOD IT WASN'T MEN! BUT IT COULD'VE BEEN IF ONLY YOU WERE HERE I WOULDN'T BE SCREWED UP. He proceeded to beat down Marcel while screaming I hate you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOOOOOOOUUU! Punching him so hard his hand went through his chest. Coming back to his senses he was star struct on what he did. Running into another alleyway he pulled out a note and pen pad.
Dear Hope:
This letter is for you, my friend that I haven't really known for along time but you cared for me from what I've seen. I'm sorry I turned you, if your not a full tribrid then just write me back find a way I guess. These past few hours have been weird, but you helped me meet my father. I'm grateful for that. Writing this letter I asked myself why am I leaving you, but then my heart says your better off without me in your life. The hunters think your human, but they think I'm your dad son? It's hard to explain, but I wrote you to say I'm sorry, I'm falling for you and I don't fall for anyone. So before I try to act on these feelings I have to go. I don't want you to get hurt, and that's enough to say at the moment. One more thing don't get hooked on blood, no matter how much your brain tells you to keep feeding. If your a ripper don't feel bad it doesn't define you as a person, it's the fact that you continue to do it or stop and take a look at your self and say I need to stop, that defines you as a person Hope. It gives you strength
Ps, your only species Miles.
Chanting he sent the note to her on the side of bed. Hope, Marcel asked. Waking up Hope felt hungry. Where's Miles! He left. Why? He was scared but he left you this note. Opening it she read it. He's gone. Hope tears began to flow as she cried in Marcellus and Rebekah's arms. Months have passed and we see Miles smoking in a bar. Heart broken, the bar tender asked. No, never. Walking out the bar he saw a group of young ladies. Oh my god he's so fine! He looks dangerous go talk to him! The girl walked over to him. Hey I was wo-, Miles? Hope? What are you doing here, I thought you were on the run from the hunters. Thanks for the concern love but, I am not scared of any hunters. Trying to walk off she got infront of him. What's up with your hair, these dreads are unstable the look raw you need a re-twist. Really, judging me is your best option to reconnect? Who are those girls they look like thots. What? Those hoe's over there. Really, that's Josie and he sister! Miles frowned, ehh I think I should go. Um, no! I'm a tribrid because of you. You've been a tribrid, at least you can have kids, stay young forever, and they will never call you old because you'll look 14. She gave him that "really look". You know what, I'm out. She grabbed his arm. Your turning me on, he said trying to creep her out. I know. Not gonna work I know you. I can't be around you or any werewolves. Your a Shunka, she said sarcastically. How did you know? Your kidding me right? Sadly no, I could swallow you right now with no remorse. He walked up to her showing his purple eyes. Your is smell amazing, he touched her on the arm. Your skin is soft... He picked her up. What the-. Everyone run! Miles took off as the other shunka chased him. What are you doing? I'm not fully a shunka, he's trying to force me into his pack! Huh? There's a whole werewolf community out there in the wild, let's not forget the rougarous either. Miles ran as fast as he could but he was tackled by the cryptic. MILES NO! Roaring to the full moon light Miles was forced into the transformation. Gaaaaah! His bones began to shift as he becomes a horrible creature. Stretching his neck, back, and legs his figure shape changed into a Beastie creature. Hope looked at him and she saw a horrible creature. Raaaaaaagh, he ran off with his alpha. At the school Hope was gardening her new herbs and she notice someone standing over her. Motus, the young abomination was thrown back. You must use that allot, it's mighty strong for a basic spell. Miles, what are you doing here you can't be around wolves! That's when there in the wolf form or me. Hey hope, Landon awkwardly said. Hi Landon...So this is the famous Landon Kirby I've heard about. Did she for get to tell you? Tell me what? I'm her long lost adoptive newphew. That's pretty cool. You must be a tribrid too, Landon said awkwardly. Yes, I'm a vampire, witch, werewolf shunka. That's four things. No it's 3 the werewolf and the shunka is put together. Oh well I'm a ph-... Phoenix? If you would've let me Finnish, I meant to say I'm a. Phoenix, Kanima, wolf hybrid, you have to watch teen wolf to under stand it. I get it, I watched the whole show. For real me too! Who's your favorite character? Stiles and Theo obviously! Exactly, Miles responded. Everyone hates on Theo for no reason he was only bout 8-7 or 6, Miles said. That's what I've been saying to Hope, Landon said. She thinks that Theo got what he deserves. That redemption arc though, Miles said. You right that was fire, Landon said. Well that wraps up my visit, the beast is... Black veins began to stretch across his neck. Just kidding, he began to laugh. Hey Josie, Miles walked up to her. Smelling some kind of wolf sent on her his "allergies" began to act up. Soo, any chance your single now, he jokingly said. No I'm actually here with my girlfriend. Turning his head he saw Flinch. The veins began to show even more vibrant. Your a werewolf, that's cool.... Looking over to him Hope saw his heart grow lighter. I'm gonna get out of you guys hair. (Whispers, what's wrong with him?) Nothing he was just attacked and bit by a monster that kills werewolves. Did he kill it? No, he is it now. I can hear you, he yelled out shocking them. Leaving the campus he sat down on his motorcycle, Some day Josie some day... Driving off he left everyone in the dust. Getting some feet in he saw a mud monster.! Jumping off his bike it ran into malavore. Mud monster, Miles smirked as he rushed out of the area. Pressing a button on his keys his motor cycle exploded on impact. The hell is he? Walking forward the mud monster kept coming to him. How did he not die. Walking forward to him Miles had to come up with a plan. I need he-, wait I got it. Running back to the school at vamp speed he need to go find Landon. Landon, Landon? Walking into a "place" he saw Flinch and Josie making out. Sitting down on the ground he tried to make them uncomfortable. Dude?!?! Run or you will die, it's a mud monster on the loose and I need to find Landon. Why? Because he's a Phoenix, duh! What does that have to do with anything? Have you ever been to school, Glass? When you heat up mud it turns to glass I think. But he's wet that doesn't work with wet mud, Josie said. And so are you but I don't say you don't work. Just busting slobs for no reason, Miles said. Now where is he, The monster is coming. His name is Malavore... Miles walked off and continued his search for Landon Kirby. Landon! Why are you so loud, Landon responded. Malavore is coming I need your help! Miles and Landon ran outside but it was too late. He's already here. Do you have control over your flames? Of course, stretching his arm's out fire shot out of his hands. Ad somoun! He tried to make Malavore goto sleep but it didn't work. You need to produce some hotter flames, so hot they turn blue! Like azula from the avatar, Miles blurted out. So I need to be a sycophant with daddy and mommy issues? If you say so. Landon began to dig deep into his mind as he feels out the pain in his life. His flames began to burn blue and his eyes turned yellow lizard like. Graaaaagh! Malavore began to turn into stone. Screaming in pain Malavore a muddy core began's to break. We did it, Malavore is gone. Motus! Malavore broke into pieces as a light began to explode. What the hell? The light faded as they saw many monsters! Immobolus! The monsters began to stop moving. Spitting out this one person, it was a man who looks familiar. Klaus Mikealson... He was confused. Hope! Klaus turned his head to see Miles and Landon. It's that boy Hope likes and... Marcellus son... What do you mean? Marcellus had a son around the time of Hopes birth. He told me to compel it out of him because he wanted him to have a better life. Walking up to Klaus Miles arm began to burn as tattoos began to appear. The hybrid curse, Elijah said. What are you talking about brother, Klaus responded. The mother cursed you, if you come in contact of her son his full abilities unlock, and maybe even yours. Gaaaaah! The marks went all the way up to his face as they kept burning. Falling to his knees, his fangs began to show. Miles was in so much pain that the monsters escaped out of his clutches. Hearing Miles screams Hope rushed to their location. What's going on here? Landon where's Malavore? We killed him, and the monsters came out of him, then Miles walked up to your dad and uncle then that happened. My dad and uncle are dead. There right there! She turned her head and saw them tears in her eyes she walked towards them. Dad? Hope move, Elijah said. Miles claws began to grow and his eyes glowed brightly. Grrrrrrr! Seeing a stick he touched it to get up but it magically turned into a sword. Glowing blue the sword rushed into his arm. Getting up off the ground he didn't feel the pain anymore anymore. Hope, Landon? Miles marking went away. What happened here? You have some sort of curse mark now, Landon said. Like from Naruto but it went off around the original hybrid. Why do I have a sword in my hand? The original vampire hunter mark, Elijah said. They were created to completely wipe out vampires starting with there creators. So I was meant to kill you all? Yes and Hope. What do you mean? Growing up sometimes I wasn't with you as a child because I had to protect you. My mother linked you to Hope so you can kill all of us then kill her killing you. So basically killing off all the vampires? Yes that was broken, but not the bond between you and him it could only be broken by you. You are the original killer.

The mikealson reject: Marcellus bastardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant